Drabble: Better With Friends (Doctor Who - Ten, Donna)

Dec 22, 2010 10:47

Title: Better With Friends
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble
Rating: PG
Word Count: 471
Summary: When Donna moves into the TARDIS the Doctor wonders if he’s doing the right thing.
Author’s Note: Set after Partners In Crime (Episode 1 of Series 4) and written as a Christmas gift for alias_amy for the pulped_fictions It's A Gift challenge

The Doctor watched bemused as Donna moved into the TARDIS with all her bags and boxes, neither Rose nor Martha had brought so much with them. It was a clear indication from Donna that she was here for the long-haul. He laughed delightedly as she ordered him around. His heart felt lighter as he watched her organising her things. She was right; he did need someone with him, someone to bounce off and someone to slow him down. He was determined to get it right this time.

He’d got too attached to Rose. She’d saved him from himself at the end of the Time War; he wouldn’t be the man he was today if it hadn’t been for Rose. Her loss had hit him harder than he’d ever expected. He’d lost friends before, hell he’d lost his whole planet, but he’d pined for Rose. Looking back he realised it wasn’t just for Rose, her loss had compounded on all those other losses and left him bereft.

He realised too that he had been unfair to Martha. He’d punished for not being Rose and it wasn’t her fault. She had been brilliant too in her own way. Walking the earth on her own all those months in the year that never was. He’d underestimated her whilst still putting his trust her and it had been unfair. Wherever she was now and whatever she was doing he hoped she was happy.

Turning his thoughts back to Donna, he silently promised things would be different this time. They would have fun. They would travel space and time and he’d share with her all the most wonderful places. And they would have fun.

Suddenly excited, he bounced over to her and swept her up in a massive hug with a huge grin on his face. As they pulled apart they both shrieked with laughter and holding onto each other’s hands, they bounced up and down excitedly.

“Oh Donna! There’s so many places I want to show you!” He said almost wistfully. “We could go to ancient Rome? Or the Jewel of Staa Crafell? Or Anywhere! So many places!”

Donna smiled softly. “There’s somewhere I’d like to go first. My granddad sits on this hill with his telescope every night just waiting to see a spaceship or an alien. I always thought he was barmy. Until I met you. Can we go, float above him, and give him something to look at it?”

The Doctor smiled back. “Sure.”

He watched as Donna opened the Tardis doors and waved excitedly to her granddad on the ground. It felt good to make someone so happy by such a little gesture. After a few moments, Donna shut the doors and he reset the controls.

He smiled as she strode back over to the console. “So how about ancient Rome?”

pulped_fictions, dr who, better with friends, friends, writing, drabble

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