Drabble: "Irritating" for katyscarlett76

Aug 01, 2008 18:41

I'm interpreting 'drabble' very loosely as being very short rather than exactly 100 words.  This one's 167.

katyscarlett76 requested Snape, Remus and Goblet, though I'm afraid there's not an awful lot of Snape in it, he's just the catalyst...

Remus gives a wry smile as the black-clad figure disappears down the hallway, robes billowing.
“He always brings Wolfsbane in a silver goblet.  It’s obviously his idea of a joke.”

In the corner, Sirius merely mutters, “Irritating bastard,” without even looking up from his crossword.  Tonks however, looks surprised.

“Does silver really affect you?  I thought that was just a myth.”

“Oh it’s nothing too serious,” says Remus.  “It just brings me out in a bit of a rash.”  He takes a sip of potion and grimaces.

“Don’t drink from it then!” says Tonks, turning to root around in the kitchen cupboard, “I’ll get you a glass.”  Finding none there, she grabs a tea-towel and moves towards the sink, where several sit on the draining board.  Behind her she hears the sound of stifled sniggers.

“You two are the irritating bastards!” she cries, swotting Remus over the head with the tea-towel and trying but failing to look properly indignant as the two men collapse into full-blown laughter.

meme, fanfic, tonks, drabbles, remus, snape, sirius

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