Drabble: "Forgetting" for shimotsuki

Aug 02, 2008 20:07

shimotsuki requested any two Weasleys and 'forget.  This one's 172 words, and involves a post-war Molly and Arthur.


Molly smiled as she watched the clock-hand labelled ‘Arthur’ move from ‘At Work’ to ‘Travelling’ to ‘Home’.  He’d have the powdered moonstone she’d asked him to get in Diagon Alley and she’d be able to finish this potion before dinner, all being well.
“Hello dear,” she said as he came through the door, and moved to kiss him on the cheek, “Did you manage to get the moonstone?”

Arthur’s eyes widened as he remembered her request.  “I’m so sorry,” he said, “I completely forgot.”  He sighed.  “I seem to be forgetting more and more things these days.”

Molly made an effort not to look annoyed.  “It’s your age,” she joked.  “Not to worry, the potion will keep.  I can finish it tomorrow.”

Arthur moved to pour himself tea from the pot on the table.  “Did you ask Harry and Ginny what they want for their Anniversary?”

Molly put her hand to her mouth, properly amused now.  “I forgot.”

“Don’t worry dear,” said Arthur, planting a kiss on her forehead.  “It’s your age.”

meme, fanfic, arthur, molly, drabbles

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