I'm busy for two days and suddenly my f-list is very active! Anyway, now I have memes to catch up with (such an onerous task, lol) and here are two of them (the third I will answer at Meta).
shimotsuki and
duck_or_rabbit tagged me for this one. Ta girls!
List the Hogwarts Houses in order of which House you'd most likely be Sorted into (1 being most likely):
1. Ravenclaw
2. Hufflepuff
3. Griffindor
4. Slytherin
List 3 characters you think you'd be good friends with:
1. Neville
2. Luna
3. Tonks
List 3 characters you think you'd get into catfights with:
I don't really fight. However, I'd deal with Umbridge in a similar way to Hermione...
List 3 characters you think you'd ask on a date:
I'd never actually have the nerve, but
1. Neville
2. Remus
3. Ummm... Ernie Macmillan?
List 3 characters you think would ask you on a date:
You're kidding, right?
List 2 classes you think you'd excel in:
1. Potions
2. Charms
List 2 classes you think you'd fail:
I don't reckon I'd actually fail any, but out of the compulsory ones I think I'd struggle with:
1. History of Magic (I don't think I'd be able to concentrate in Binns' lessons)
2. Herbology (I'd be great at the theory (I do have an A-level in biology after all) but since I can't even keep a cactus alive, I'd not be great at the practical)
What form do you think your Patronus would take?
What 'rare' ability (like Parseltongue, Animagery, or speaking Mermish) would you have?
Metamorphmagus. I'd love to be able to change my hair colour at will.
What's in your wand?
Cherry, 10 in, Dragon Heartstring
The Wizengamot is thinking of exiling you from the Wizarding world. What's your defense?
I'm innocent!
In what way do you think you'd not fit in the Wizarding world?
I don't like surprises, and they seem fairly into them, what with unpredictable flavour beans, practical joking, moving staircases, teachers not telling you about tournaments and parents not telling you about the sorting...
If Dumbledore's Army was illegally re-formed but necessary for keeping Hogwarts safe, would you join?
Yes, I'd make myself join out of principle. And I never can resist a committee...
What illegal magical object would you find most useful?
A horcrux? Only joking! An Auto-Answer Quill in an exam.
Say you were Sorted into Slytherin, and as a result, you began getting a bad rep for no reason. What do you say?
Nothing. People who spread rumours want you to react. If you don't react, you spoil their fun.
Is this how the Death Eaters started? Are they not evil, just alienated and misunderstood?
No. I'm sure it's exacerbated the problem though.
Would you have participated in the Final Battle if given the option?
I don't know. If it's anything like PE, my team would lose because of me.
Who would you have dueled and won against?
Someone who's not too scary.
Any advice to real wizards and witches out there from a Muggle perspective?
Things are cheaper in the Muggle world, therefore if you can, shop in muggle shops.
And because I need to get back into the habit of writing:
First five comments with a fandom, pairing or character(s), and prompt will get a drabble. If you ask for something, feel free to post this on your journal and offer five of either art or fic that you do, too.
Best stick to HP, I think.