Our boiler has broken - apparently something inside has melted. The plumbers informed us of this and then said reassuringly 'if someone hasn't come to fix it in a fortnight, then phone us again.'
Ominous. But at least it is July (by Scottish standards anyway).
In the meantime, we've been coming up with creative ways to clean and be clean. Happily, there is the gym as well, but this for me means getting out the door at 6.15am if I'm actually going to use the gym as well as wash - and be away by 7.35am to work. So I've found an alternative cleaning method. This is, fill up the largest jug available with almost boiling hot water. Take this and the largest mixing bowl available to the bathroom. Get in the bath (or shower). Pour boiling water and cold water from the tap into the bowl. Squeeze water all over self with sponge. Soap self. Refill bowl using same method. Squeeze water all over self again to rinse. Get out and get dried.
The best bit is definitely squeezing warm water down your cold, goosebumped back. There is always enough left to wash my face too! I'm fairly amazed that it only takes 2 litres of water to wash a person, and you could probably use less if you were careful. Let's compare that to
35-80 litres with a normal - power shower, according to USwitch. If I had to pay for water then I'd probably make a lot more use of this method. Happily, because I live in the land of rain, this isn't an issue.
Bath Song
Sing hey! For the bath at close of day
that washes the weary mud away
A loon is he that will not sing
O! Water Hot is a noble thing!
O! Sweet is the sound of the falling rain,
and the brook that leaps from hill to plain;
but better than rain or rippling streams
is Water Hot that smokes and steams.
O! Water cold we may pour at need
down a thirsty throat and be glad indeed
but better is beer if drink we lack,
and Water Hot poured down the back.
O! Water is fair that leaps on high
in a fountain white beneath the sky;
but never did fountain sound so sweet
as splashing Hot Water with my feet!
J.R.R. Tolkien
I can really see how much I've taken hot baths and warm showers for granted however. Heck, even hot water coming from a tap. I'll have to remember that when the boiler is fixed.