More Hook/Ariel fanfic blather

Dec 30, 2012 22:56

One of the things I thought upon starting the Hook/Ariel fanfic was that it'd be a nice little endeavour because it wouldn't end up as long as some of my other projects threaten to be. I'm now at 34,000 words and nowhere near the end. That didn't turn out as I thought it would.

Probably I should get a beta reader right away, so that when I do finish, some of the beta reading will already be done and it won't take so long to get it out. (Hmmm, any takers? I haven't really seen as much Hook love here as on Tumblr, but OTOH people here are less likely to be over-romantic teenagers.)

Today I've also seen Disney's Peter Pan and rewatched The Little Mermaid. Turns out that they're pretty damned painful to watch when the perspective is that the characters will be watching them. (Since my mermaid is the H.C. Andersen my-life-is-so-fucked-up version and my Hook is Killian Jones.) I had to include booze and sex just to cheer them up. Possibly stuff like this is why the story is getting so damned long - it's supposed to be a shipping fic, so I have to include the ship stuff, but Hook is hell-bent on revenge, so I have to include the stuff relating to that, plus he's brand new in Storybrooke, so I have to include the stuff relating to that. Somehow I don't think I'll finish within the week.

You know what's really fun, though? Research. I have decided to put the technological/cultural/linguistic level as "Renaissance, unless I need this word/thing anyway, in which case I fudge it." That means I get to research everything. Did you know that Hero of Alexandria described an early steam engine called an aeolipile in the first century AD, or that up until the 17th century people thought that nerves were hollow to carry the animal spirits through, or that pirate hooks would be hella complicated, or that rooster is a considerably younger word than cock? (Turns out, btw, that a lot of curses are really old, though more innocent colloquial expressions often aren't.) Heck, where words are concerned, I've practically lived on, though I sometimes use a too-young word anyway.

So, you know, I'm enjoying myself, but I will be so very jossed when the Cricket Game airs. I just hope they don't get to Ariel before I'm done; that would really screw with my mind (and my possible readers).

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