(no subject)

Dec 25, 2012 15:48

Okay, so there are posts on Racebending talking about how Disney's new project Frozen seems to be all about white people, which is a fair point, and posts talking about how the promo images are bastardizing Saami culture, which is another fair point, and then there's the comment over here claiming that the Saami aren't white, which... what?

I know the concept of "indigineous, oppressed minority" doesn't lend itself well to "white", but... well, check Google Image Search. Tell me that, clothing aside, you'd be able to pick out the Saami people in a room full of white people from various countries.

No, most Saami don't look stereotypically Scandinavian, but if Nina Dobrev, Antonio Banderas, and Milo Ventimiglia are white and the Saami are not, then I officially give up all attempts of understanding the concept, because that makes about as fucking sense to me as Chinese people counting as black in South Africa.

This entry was originally posted at http://katta.dreamwidth.org/605077.html and has
comments there.

race, sweden

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