Seriously, I am the easiest target in the world to hit with tearjerker stuff. Seeing Rose's death scene, I went, "Oh, look, they're killing another woman. And it's to provide manpain for their bad boy. This is so demeaning."
Did that stop me from BAWLING LIKE A BABY?
No. No, it did not. And while I think Damon and Rose had an unfortunate lack of chemistry, Lauren Cohan sold me hardcore on her scenes tonight. Seems like she can deliver when she's given something to deliver.
On a sidenote, I don't usually get the "Oh, for fuck's sake, why don't you just X" with this show (well, except with Damon, but that's part of his characterization), but I did tonight. While I still understand Caroline's desire to keep Matt out of the loop, he needs to be told NOW OR SOONER. It's quite ridiculous having him around all clueless at this point. It would also make that particular love triangle a little less headdesky.
ETA: Wondered after making this post - hang on, why do I act as if I'm on Team Matt when really I'm just fine with Team Tyler? And I think it is because I like love triangles to play fair. Right now, Matt is being put in a situation where he can't do anything right, because he's kept so utterly in the dark that any option he tries is bound to end in disaster. And that's both unfair and uninteresting, in my book. It would be much more interesting if he was actually put in a position where he could make a semi-informed decision.
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