DW fic help & random money ramble

Jun 21, 2008 10:22

Things I end up doing when technically I should be working on a fanfic:
* Googling GNP per capita across the world.
* Finding out where Sweden lies on the list. (8)
* Finding out where I lie on the list.

I am somewhere between Spain and United Arab Emirates. Which is pretty far up, though still only about half of what I should be making as a Swede. :-)


I really am ficcing, though. As usual, I've dumped the old, long stories in favour of a newer one, and it's Doctor Who again. Apparently Donna is the muse I needed to fic that fandom. It started out as a Donna/Lee fic but somehow has turned out to be mostly about Jack. Huh.

So, those of you who are DW fans, can you help me get my research straight?

Do we know the year of the library eps? Or the year Jack was born/the war started/he became a Time Agent?

Do we know if Jack is from Earth? (If he is, I'll need to change my premise.)

Do we really know anything about real-life Lee except that he exists and has a stammer?

Hm. I think there's probably more things I should know, but I can't think of anything to ask. The timeline is the most important part, really - I'd hate to write the story only to find out that I've set it before Jack is born or Lee entered the library.

money, doctor who, sweden, fic talk

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