Moving again

Aug 30, 2006 13:26

We found a new place to live. It's a 2 bedroom/2 bath. Still in my current complex which both of us like. We are supposed to move on Sept. 8th.  We plan on doing what packing we can this weekend so that it makes it easier for moving stuff over. Going to trade cars with my friend Steve. He has a truck. Also going to ask David if we can borrow his truck just to make things go quicker. Being that we are just moving within the complex it should be a lot easier and cheaper since we don't have to get a U-haul.

With me not working, rent might be more of a challenge but we knew that was going to happen anyways. But the good thing is that munchkin will have her own room when she is over here AND our place will look less crowded than it does now.

Still don't know what's going on the workers comp thingy. I'm scheduled to have the Kortizone shots on the 5th, not sure how much i'll be able to help with which ever arm they shot me in. Z seems to beleive he can do it all himself if need be but I don't like that answer. I'll help as much as he'll let me (and more when he's not looking). I got a new case worker with my lawyers office however I'm never able to get ahold of him. Figures.

my hands, moving

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