the weekend

Sep 17, 2007 10:24

Ever have those weekends that feel like they are a week long, instead of only 2 days and??  Yeah.

Saturday, we were double booked for birthday parties. THe morning one was canceled two days previous. The parent left a msg on my cell phone (in which is turned off with a msg saying MY PHONE DOESN"T WORK. CALL MY HUSBAND OR MY HOME PHONE.!!) but didn't call Scott whose number she does have.  Of couse, we dont' find out it's canceled until we arrive at 10:30 at the party location and um. yeah. we find out the news.  Yeah. heh. so. No biggie. We were able to hand out a little, get my oil changed, have lunch together.   So, second party began at 3 pm. Get there a little late because apparently not every gas station carries Red stripe in a 6 pack.  That's my cousins favorite beer so we searched 4 gas stations, the whole time Scott telling me he's never seen them in a 6 pack, before we finally find them. Get to that party a tad late, but ehhh..  Since we had already given My mom her gift, and gave my cousin scott his, all that was left was my cousins 5 yr old, Eve.  So, we stayed for a couple of hours. Stopped on the way out of town to hook up my grandmothers new dvd player and show her how to work it. We did remind her that she does NOT have to rewind dvd's, but then i was given a strong hint that grandma is wanting a  vhs rewinder as well. heh.

So, we drive down to corpus. We made a short detour to go and have some quiet alone time walking on the beach. Was nice. Then went over to his parents place which live about 5 minutes from there.  I have a really difficult time sleeping when i'm away from home. When just scott and I, and or munchkin is with is, Scott and I get the bedroom. Sometimes i sleep better there I'll at least sleep a little later.  When we are in the living room. OY!!!  Well, saturday night in the living room, the 3 girls were laid out on a palet on the floor after they were put to sleep in the  room Harlan was staying in.  So Scott's sister Heather and her husband slept on the pullout couch bed, while we sleep on the air mattress on the floor.  Now, it is a LOT nicer being able to sleep WITH scott on the same airbed, rather than having to sleep on an airbed next to him.  I do sleep better next to him.  However, WIth the 3 girls in the room I slept soooo light that i heard Every turn and whisper.   OY.  Had issue falling a sleep, when I finally did I woke up to my oldest neice crawling up my leg because she had a bad dream. lol.  SO, Heather and saul fell asleep about midnight. Scott about 12:30 when we shut off the tv.  Me.. not so lucky. I heard 1 oclock chime on the musical clock that lets you know what hour it is.. So nice of it.  Cecilia woke me up at 1:30. heh.. then struggled to get back to sleep AGAIN! Anways.. after waking up a couple times cuz someone cried because the other had no blanket or someone was dreaming something.. by 7:15 the girls were WIDE awake. As in pouncing everyone, jumping around.. Meanwhile us adults are strugling to keep our eyes open. heh.

After breakfast we managed to get out to the beach. We all had a lot of fun. Iva (4) and Cecilia (7) had a blast going out into the waves with me. They even told their mom a couple of times that they wanted to stay with me. that was neat!!! Scott and I did manage to get the munckin out in a little bit of water. She went up to knee deep and then cried to go back in. But hey, at least she went that far.   Scott and I did get a little sunburned. Not bad for me. And yes I did put sunscreen on, actually i applied it TWICE!!!  Scott's dad and sister were enjoying laughing at me because a wave would come and I'm suddenly a ways away from them.  They laughed even harder when Scott kept holding onto me so I wouldn't drift away.  We had a lot of fun. And of couse brought home a good 10lb bag of swallowed salt water. lol, But it was worth it!

Both Scott's mom and I tried to get Scott to hang out with his brother.  Finally, the only way we got them to spend a few minutes together was by sending them to go and fill the car with scott things from a friends house. Harlan is quieter than Scott. He's not as quiet as he was the first time I saw him but still..   And he LOVES to throw munchkin around. He seems to pick her out of the 3 girls and play with her more. I think it's kewl! But, I mean, NO, I don't think he has a favorite!! *wink*.

SO, while Scott took his brother and father to get load some of Scott's old stuff in the car I stayed with my mother in law and Munchkin. I colored some with munchkin and Linda and I watched a movie. Of course, we were talking with that and it did come up a couple times that we needed to come down and visit them more. My mother in law things i need to go to the beach more and that way i won't be so "pasty and washed out" lol.  Scott and I did talk about it ont eh way home and we really do need to get down there more, at least every other month or so would be nice!

Anyways, to end this entry. We were not the only one's happy to be home. The dog we are house sititng, Hunter, and our cats were SOOOO excited we were home. We were greeted from everyone. Hunter was not happy when We came in to say hello but then left him inside while unpacking some of the car. lol. But when we came back in he was so happy, he licked both my hands and knee,

Thank you to the friends(parents of Hunter) that came in and let him out!!

family, in-laws, munchkin, scott

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