A thought...

Sep 10, 2007 12:06

I read a friends post today and it inspired me to write one of my own.

I have really good friends. Really good friends that have lived through some really tough times. Some with abusive ex's. Physical and/or abusive. Hard pasts that found a way to keep their head up and keep walking. Some that lost parents before they had a chance to fully grow up themselves or lost family that they never expected to loose so soon. Having to live every day without that parent.  Some who had children, some when they were just a child themselves, and found a way to make it day to day either on their own or with little support.  Some that have struggled with deep depression and emotional bagage they have difficulty getting past.  Some that have struggled with diseases that either take over their body and/or take over their mind.

I myself have stuggled with several above. A broken childhood/teenhood with much abuse, deppression and many hard times. Times where i didn't think i could pull myself out, yet always found a way to keep going. Right at this moment, I feel fortunate that I found the rainbow that came out after a harsh storm.  I know there is someone out there who always had it worse. I didn't have to live on the street. I didnt go hungry.  I am not always sure where i got my strength to keep going.

Right now i consider myself VERY fortunate. I'm married to a fantastic guy who has ALWAYS supported me and loved me.  I married my best friend and it's a great feeling. I know i'm still newly married and as most ppl say "the honeymoon isn't over yet".  Not to mention all the family I have. Even my Ex step family still considers me family, though there were many heartships and problems. I have very strong bonds with some of my family; my brother, my father and step mother, my grandmother's, aunt's, and cousins (and cousin in law!).  I have a 7 yr old step daughter who does look up to me and watch my way of life. She counts on me as well.  As for my friends, I am blessed and very thankful to have many that would drop everything to come to my aid. I would do the same for them.

So, with all this info and lead up, I feel the need to say thank you to those friends, family and my wonderful Husband.  If you are struggling, I hope things get better. I hope that you will get the chance to not just SEE the rainbow I see, but to FEEL it as well!  There is hope. Don't give up. Look around you and Feel that love. Some people don't always show it in their friendship, but it's there.

To the person who posted her entry and inspired me, thanks! YOU are awesome. Don't forget that.  BTW, great music list!


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