Yes, random title is random, but it's true facts: at 32, I have finally got a fucking plan for my life ready to enact.
I'll be heading back to classes on August 23rd in the classics major. However, I am in the process of filling out an application to get me into a museum studies degree program, which is a 19 hour degree and will enable me to work at literally any goddamn museum in the United States and possibly Canada. The plan is to first off contact one of my instructors - I'm thinking Stephen, my Latin literature professor, rather than Kyle the useless sack of whatever I had in the Spring semester - and a representative from the classics department who is on the steerage committee for the museum studies program to get recommendation letters then fill out the form and email it. After that but around the same time, I plan to contact Hagerstown Community College and Kaplan Hagerstown (formerly Hagerstown Business College) to get copies of my transcript sent to the museum studies folks. With any luck, I will be enrolled in the museum studies program by Spring 2011.
From there it's all a matter of whether I'll be able to pull off two classes each semester or not. If I take two classes each term, I will be finishing up the program in the Spring 2012 semester as I have no issues with taking courses in the summer (except, of course, when I'm recovering from the rampant stupidity of a supposed professor); if I only manage to pull in one class per semester, then I'll be finishing up in the Spring 2013 semester. I know that my boss Faye made mention some time ago about some grant or program that allows for university employees to take paid time off for an entire semester if they are in the last part of their degree program; I'll have to get more detailed info from her next week.
At any rate, within the next few years,
apollymi and I will hopefully be able to get the hell out of Tallahassee. Where we go from here, though, depends entirely on where I find a museum job; Li is almost finished with a publishing and editing degree and will be able to work for a newspaper or magazine or freelance from anywhere, but we're thinking Jacksonville or St. Augustine if we stick around Florida, Washington DC, Richmond VA, Charleston SC, or Charlotte NC.
We'll know more when it gets closer to me finishing up and shopping myself around.