BLOG TIME: Golf, Cats and Dinosaurs

Sep 29, 2012 09:58

Hello K.M fans!

Today, I am activating my fingers and going to talk about Katsuki-chan's blog. She is already starting to get the hang of it, is on the run, and seems to be enjoying it. Here are brief summaries on what she talks about in her first three entries. She seems to enjoy telling stories, and I see bright days in the future for this blog.

Title: 愛しい…LO∨Ε..φ( ̄▽ ̄*)ポッ
Summary: Katsuki talks about first days with her two cats Tomato and Brocoli, who she brought into her home in 2008. Having lost her beloved cat "Sasami" of 21 years (wow!), she was ready to bring in new family members. "moe-est" ever Visiting a pet foster home, she got To-chan and Bro-chan from four. "I couldn't look away." Apparently the two didn't like being cuddled, and K really wanted to hold them (lol) Poor woman. It looks like she gave them a birthday? o-O I'll get back to this.

Title: ゴルフ大好き!v(o^_^o)v ぶいっ
Summary: One of Katsuki's passions is golf. (o^-')b Utsunomiya seems to be her favorite spot. In her recent golf experience, she was really happy because she achieves a high score. I'm still a little puzzled as to how her score is 100, unless that means she did perfect pars each hole. If so then that's great. Can anyone explain? Her debut score was 168. She also explains that she's not a physical type person but she wins because golf is her "own fight". She has unrest from her great score. She reflects back on her failures and how she couldn't progress. Also, a photo of her club bag.

Title: 愛すべき恐竜達((◎*´∀`pq*))
Summary: Mentioned before on Twitter, Katsuki along with buddies Takayama Minami and Shiratori Yuri went to DINOSAUR KINGDOM. They seemed to have been in CHiba Prefecture, and there are photos of course. She is surprised at the length of the menacing Diplodocus, which is over 50 meters long. She also comments that the Shantungosaurus (Aka: Zhuchengosaurus) looks like Eviljo (Deviljyo in English) from Monster Hunter. "Run away!" Do you see a resemblance? One dino delivers a "Sexy pose, even though its bones." Her favorite photo is the two dinosaurs in a "cat fight". Also, souvenirs.

LAstly, she thanks everyone

game, blog

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