Nihon University visit, Twitter World, and Blog World

Oct 03, 2012 12:42

Hello K.M Fans,

I'm going to keep this brief so here is Twitter World, Blog World, and an upcoming special event.

1.)「日本大学理工学部 青駿祭」 (LINK)
Along with Takayama Minami and Miyake Kenta, Katsuki is going to Nihon University's Seishunsai (青駿祭), a school festival set in the Surugagai Campus for the Department of Science and Technology, to do a public reading event. It is on November 3. There is an email and directions (in Japanese) to apply for it.

2.) BLOG WORLD: Darling and A reliable home
reflections of K's old friend of 21 years, Sasami; also, when the strong rain and the thick clouds clear, K looks up to the shiny moon. The cats sleep in peace. Lol, is she telling a story? ^.^; Darling.

- Kind words for someone's cat departing to Rainbow Bridge
- Katsuki thinks Deidara (NARUTO) is interesting
- "I Love T": About sing-along and rehearsal???

Also, within Twitter, there is news of K narrating a shampoo CM; also, she is in the dub of "17 Again" (starring Morita Masazaku as Zac Efron).

In the new SD Gundam G Generation OVERWORLD, K indeed voices Rondo Mina Sahaku. Mina's brother Gina is voiced by the ever talented Tobita Nobuo.

game, live event/appearance, twitter, gundam, narration, blog, japanese dub

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