2nd Sep 5K - Run To Break The Silence on Ovarian Cancer

Sep 27, 2008 12:33

Saturday, September 27, 2008, 08:30 AM at McAllister Park, Pavilion #2

Time: 29:45

The temperature has finally dropped to something resembling fall. The run was through the park's trails which were a bit narrow for the crowd at the beginning but were shady, pleasant and surprisingly hilly. No big hills, but I am just haven't run on anything but flats for a while now.

I'm pleased. These last two months of training seem have improved my pace, and I can maintain a fairly steady pace for at least three mile.

1st mile - 9:30
2nd mile - 9:45
3rd mile - 9:40

My friend ran/walked it as well. She did better than she expected, and I think it was a good thing for her to realize that when properly motivated she can run for about two miles. She walked a bit after that, but still finished in about 39 minutes. Maybe it'll help with her with her training for joining the army.

fitness, 5ks

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