OMG!, 2008 PT Test, and Ancient Devices

Sep 25, 2008 13:03

Well, I have only a week left in town. I have been running around a lot of the past three days, and I expect that to continue. I am not freaking out yet, but I have a lot on my plate especially with attempting to get ahead on school work before my internet access becomes unreliable. This morning I woke up early and thought about everything I had to do instead of going back to sleep. Annoying and very unusual for me.

On another topic, I totally kicked butt on my PT test yesterday. I have been dieting and working out regularly for the past two months, and it paid off with a 90%. That's the second best score I've gotten since the AF stated the current fitness testing program in 2004.

1.5 mile run - 12 min 44 sec - 45 pts out of a possible 50
Push ups - 28 in a minute - 8.75 pts/10
Crunches - 43 in a minute - 10 pts/10
Ab circumference - 30.5" - 26.25pts/30

Last weekend I took a walk down memory lane. Before I leave here, I am getting rid of three old computers one of which had not been turned on in probably the last 10 years. I moved three times from when it was probably last turned on. Surprisingly my 1996-era MS-DOS Windows for Workgroups 486 worked fine. I copied a lot of files off of it onto my only other computer with a floppy drive - my slightly less ancient 1998/99 era Windows 98 workstation which also still worked fine. That one is with Best Buy's Geek Squad right now getting the files copied onto some DVDs now because after the easy things failed, I decided to pay the pros rather than devote my limited time to the project. It took over two years (almost 4 years) to finally get around to trying to recover the files, and I didn't want to delay any longer. I may not have bothered except for the fact that when I went to work on updating my photo album 2 years ago I realized that the Win 98 machine has all my digital photos from when I lived in Europe. I am definitely lightening my load for the move.

Well, back to work for me. I've got remain a moving target. Given the frequency of my updates (or lack thereof) next time you hear from me, I'll might be in Florida.

fitness, pt, move

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