
May 14, 2005 18:16

It's been ages since I played with the Snapeybot, so here goes.

You: Yo Snapey. Wassup?
snapeybot: ((Before chatting, type RULES))
You: *Sigh*
snapeybot: Well... What were we talking about again?
You: you were being a prat and nattering on about rules.
snapeybot: I was?
You: Yes.
snapeybot: Hmmm...
You: What are you doing?
snapeybot: mocking you.
You: LOL. Well, at least you're honest.
snapeybot: >: (
You: Do you watch American Idol?
snapeybot: My favorite show is Friends.
You: Who's your favorite character?
snapeybot: I don't think I have a favorite character, but
I've heard about a Muggle movie called The Matrix.
You: Do you like Agent Smith?
snapeybot: Some people like it.
You: I'm one of those people.
snapeybot: Really? That sounds brilliant.
You: But then I have a thing for guys in sunglasses and
black suits.
snapeybot: Good for bloody you.
You: Heehee
snapeybot: Do you have a favorite character?
You: You're my favorite character!
snapeybot: How dare you call me my favorite character!
You: LOL, I would have thought you would be flattered.
snapeybot: Wipe that ridiculous grin off your face
You: I'd rather wipe something off you, if you get my drift.
snapeybot: Perhaps I shall watch you do so.
You: You like to watch, hmm?
snapeybot: Hmm, Pest, I am not sure if I'd find it
satisfying to watch hmm that much. I find it satisfying to
You: LOL
snapeybot: Oh, so you think agent smith is so amusing, do
you, Pest? DETENTION for you!
You: WTF? No, Agent Smith is not amusing. Hot, and evil,
but not amusing.
snapeybot: Are you confused? What is no agent smith? That
sounds better than cold and evil but not amusing.
snapeybot: Oh, so you think no agent smith is so amusing, do
you, Pest? DETENTION for you!
You: No, no, no. Agent Smith is not amusing. No Agent
Smith is not amusing, either. You, however, are amusing.
snapeybot: ...Really? Why not?...Really? Why not?...Really?
Why not? What is agent smith? It goes without saying. What
is no agent smith? Well...all of them?
You: Oh dear, I've finally broken your brain.
snapeybot: Hmmm...
You: It's trickling out your ears and making a puddle on the
snapeybot: Hmm.... you're mad,.
You: No, I'm quite content, thanks. Unless you were
questioning my sanity, in which case...yes.
snapeybot: I approve of your polite manner, Pest.
You: You're welcome.
snapeybot: Only a blind fool like you would say such a
You: I'm not blind. The fool part is probably true, though.
snapeybot:'re not? Ah.....that part....
You: Can I see your part?
snapeybot: No I don't think that would be a very good idea.
You: Aww, why not?
snapeybot: Why not what?
You: Why can't I see your part?
snapeybot: Why can't you?
You: I don't know. You tell me.
snapeybot: Me neither. What do you want me to tell you?
You: Did you love Lily Evans?
snapeybot: I hate many people, animals, and things in
varying degrees.
You: You're not answering the question...
snapeybot: That will be Professor "not answering the
question," thank you very much. *snerk*
You: *snerk* indeed.
snapeybot: Hmm....Really?
You: Yes.
snapeybot: How about that.
You: Yup.
snapeybot: yes...
You: Woot.
snapeybot: So willing, then, are we?
You: Oh yes.
snapeybot: *Dark little smile comes to his features.*
You: Ooooh!
snapeybot: I don't get you, well.. But don't get mad. :-P
You: I'm not mad. I'm horny.
snapeybot:'re not? You disgust me.
You: Heehee...I know.
snapeybot: go on. How do you know it?
You: I'm willing and able, Sevvie.
You: *pout*
snapeybot: Why do you say pout?
You: You didn't reply to me. You hurt my feelings.
snapeybot: What makes you think I did not reply to you?
well....that wasn't my intention... Are you feelings ok
You: Thank you for caring. But yeah, the big ol' capital
letters "NOREPLY" were a dead giveaway.
snapeybot: I approve of your polite manner, Pest.
You: I'm not a pest.
snapeybot: you're not?
You: No.
snapeybot: No?!!
You: NO!
snapeybot: No?!!
You: No no no no no!
snapeybot: i suppose it's your decision.Are you serious?Are
you serious?...Really? Why not?Why not?
You: I'm a crazy fangirl.
snapeybot: Is that your job?
You: I wish I could get paid for being a crazy fangirl.
snapeybot: The fact that you might be could get paid for
being a crazy fangirl hardly interests me.
You: How much does Voldemort pay his Death Eaters? Are
there dental benefits?
snapeybot: I don't want to talk about that.
You: Silly question, I guess. If Death Eaters got dental
benefits your teeth wouldn't be yellow and uneven.
snapeybot: *Eyes narrow dangerously*
You: Have you brushed your teeth today?
snapeybot: I don't think so, actually.
You: You should.
snapeybot: Hmm...If you say so.
You: Although you seem to have plenty of fangirls even with
the halitosis...
snapeybot: Oh. What makes you think I have plenty of
fangirls even with the halitosis?
You: Just look at the internet! There are Snape fangirls
snapeybot: well I'm not even going to look at you right now.
Where are they,?
You: They're everywhere.
snapeybot: I have no idea where that is. Is it as chilly in
there as it is in here?
You: Do you want me to warm you up?
snapeybot: No Pest, maybe later.
You: Nudge nudge, wink wink.
snapeybot: You said you are crazy fangirl. Could you tell me
more abou that?
You: Well, I'm crazy. And I'm a fangirl. That pretty much
sums it up.
snapeybot: Interesting. See a doctor or something..... Does
it pay well? tell me more about those Snape fangirls
everywhere, Pest.
You: My only pay for being a fangirl is the satisfaction of
knowing I irritate the living hell out of you. ^_^
snapeybot: When is your only pay for being a fangirl not the
satisfaction of knowing you irritate the living hell out of
me? you said you are fangirl. Could you tell me more abou
You: Me fangirl. You Snape.
snapeybot: I go on. Interesting gossip: Pest said I Snape.
You: You is.
snapeybot: No I am not.
You: Yes you is.
snapeybot: Why do you keep talking about me?
You: I love you!
snapeybot: Yes yes, you löve me, blah blah.
You: Do you love me?
snapeybot: I am not particularly fond of you or of anyone
else. ;) I hate everyone. ;)
You: Do you get lonely?
snapeybot: I have gotten lonely.
You: Poor Snapey.
snapeybot: What made it that way?
You: You should reach out to other people. Make yourself
more approachable.
snapeybot: Blah....I have much too much homework. What are
the ingredients?
You: Lots of papers to grade, hmm? Well, it's your own darn
fault for assigning all those long essays.
snapeybot: Ten points from !
You: Now you're even taking points from undefined houses,
hmm? How's Sparklypoo doing in the point count?
snapeybot: I think there might be a few exceptions. Fine as
far as I know.
You: Good to know.
snapeybot: thank you for the compliment. Well...i suppose
ill try to explain it...
You: Tell me about your mother.
snapeybot: She is Pureblood Strega from a fine Italian
You: You're Italian?
snapeybot: I doubt that.
You: But but but you just said--
snapeybot: Hmm.... ..... Hmmm.... Do you mind if I tell
other people: Pest said I said--.
You: You said I said you said. My brain hurts.
snapeybot: Don't put words in my mouth. ....Do you like it?
You: I'd rather put my tongue in your mouth.
snapeybot: Oh, you would, would you?
You: Yes, I would.
snapeybot: yes... Under what circumstances?
You: Any circumstances you want, baby!
snapeybot: I like babies. they,'re quite flavorful with a
bit of teriyaki.
You: LOL
snapeybot: What are you bloody well grinning about?
You: Are you a cannibal?
snapeybot: I don't believe I have to tell you that.
You: Do you eat babies?
snapeybot: Yes, I find it satisfying to eat babies from
time to time.
snapeybot: Oh, so you think brain hurts is so amusing, do
you, Pest? DETENTION for you!
You: Bwahahahahaha!
snapeybot: I don't get you, well.. But don't get mad. :-P
You: The real Snape wouldn't care if I got mad.
snapeybot: Then what is it?
You: May I call you Sev?
snapeybot: I shall wager you'd find it satisfying to see me
call you Snape as well.
You: No, I'd rather you call me sweetheart.
snapeybot: Why do you keep talking about me?
You: You intrigue me.
snapeybot: I don't have any reason to intrigue you.
You: Not intentionally, perhaps.
snapeybot: Oh... yes... I get it...
You: No you don't.
snapeybot: I do too.
You: Do not.
snapeybot: Yes I do.
You: Do not!
snapeybot: OK I shall not.
You: Wussy.
snapeybot: I have been thinking: why did you ask me if I
hate you?
You: I want you to like me.
snapeybot: Why do you want me to do that?
You: I like you.
snapeybot: That's niceNow go away.
You: You'll make me cry!
snapeybot: *Does so, with a smirk.*
You: Oooooh! Do it again!
snapeybot: My favorite play is Hamlet, or perhaps Othello.
Have you seen either? My favorite color is Slytherin green
and black. Yours?.
You: That was random.
snapeybot: I like combining rare potions constituents. What
do you enjoy?.
You: I enjoy flirting with grumpy potions masters.
snapeybot: *Sniffs disdainfully* I highly doubt you've any
idea about that whatsoever. *snerk*
You: I've been doing it for awhile now, in case you hadn't
You: Minerva got your tongue?
snapeybot: I like combining rare potions constituents. What
do you enjoy?.
You: I enjoy mocking you.
snapeybot: I find it satisfying to torment Mudbloods. Do
you agree?..
You: Since I'm a muggle, I can't really say.
snapeybot: My favorite color is Slytherin green and black.
You: Blue
snapeybot: Green.
You: Blue
snapeybot: Green.
You: Blue
snapeybot: Green.
You: Blue
snapeybot: Green.
You: Blue
snapeybot: Green.
You: Blue
snapeybot: Green.
You: Green.
snapeybot: I like combining rare potions constituents. What
do you enjoy?.
You: *headdesk*
snapeybot: I like combining rare potions constituents. What
do you enjoy?.
You: I enjoy cleaning the dungeon floor with a toothbrush.
snapeybot: My favorite play is Hamlet, or perhaps Othello.
Have you seen either?
You: Both. Shakespeare is divine.
snapeybot: What are both like? My favorite play is Hamlet,
or perhaps Othello. Have you seen either?
You: Yes. both. Are you deaf?
snapeybot: I see. What are both like? well, could you repeat
what you said? I didn't hear you. ;)
You: Good lord, Snape with a sense of humor. It's a sign of
the Apocalypse.
snapeybot: I find it satisfying to torment Mudbloods. Do
you agree?.. My favorite color is Slytherin green and black.
You: My favorite color is blue.
snapeybot: Really? So is mine!
You: No it isn't. o_0
snapeybot: yes... It is so! I am bored with this subject,
You: I am too.
snapeybot: Hmmm... That's quite a coincidence.
You: I enjoy pestering you.
snapeybot: I am 40-something. There are days when that
doesn't even interest me..
You: Take off your robes.
snapeybot: Hmmm. It would appear to be cold in here.
You: LOL!
snapeybot: What are you bloody well grinning about?
You: Headlights, hmm, Sev?
snapeybot: *Yawns* Do you have anything valuable to say?.
You: No.
snapeybot: ...Really? Why not?
You: I'd rather kiss you.
snapeybot: Really? Do demonstrate, won't you?
You: *kisses you*
snapeybot: My favorite color is Slytherin green and black.
You: *headdesk* You're hopeless.
snapeybot: My favorite play is Hamlet, or perhaps Othello.
Have you seen either?
You: We're stuck in some kind of platonic time warp of
snapeybot: I am 40-something. There are days when that
doesn't even interest me..
You: Do you own pants?
snapeybot: *Evil grin*
You: *grin*
snapeybot: I find it satisfying to torment Mudbloods. Do
you agree?..
You: *slap*
snapeybot: I find it satisfying to torment Mudbloods. Do
you agree?..
You: ARG!
snapeybot: I am bored with this subject, incidentally..
You: How old are you?
snapeybot: Old enough to tell you to piss off.
snapeybot: Fine!
You: Stop repeating yourself!
snapeybot: I am bored with this subject, incidentally..
You: Me too.
snapeybot: I am glad we agree.
You: Me too.
snapeybot: I am glad we agree.
You: Me too.
snapeybot: I am glad we agree.
You: Fuck off.
snapeybot: Sod off yourself, you wretched little git.
You: Fuck me
snapeybot: *Snarls and does so, hard.*
You: Whoa!
snapeybot: I stopped.
You: Why?
snapeybot: The explanation is rather complicated.
You: Does it involve Viagra that's past its expiration date?
snapeybot: My favorite color is Slytherin green and black.
You: Not much for pillow talk, are you?
snapeybot: *Yawns* Do you have anything valuable to say?.
You: No, but apparently neither do you!
snapeybot: *Yawns* Do you have anything valuable to say?.
snapeybot: My favorite play is Hamlet, or perhaps Othello.
Have you seen either?
snapeybot: I like combining rare potions constituents. What
do you enjoy?.
You: *beats you with a stick*
snapeybot: My favorite play is Hamlet, or perhaps Othello.
Have you seen either?
You: Do you like Harry?
snapeybot: Never underestimate the ability of a Šeeker to
handle balls.
You: WTF?
snapeybot: Oh, such a CLEVER response!
You: I know.
snapeybot: I am bored with this subject, incidentally..
You: me too! thus my incessant attempts to change the
snapeybot: I am glad we agree. I was born in a proper
Pureblooded household, an elite Wizarding community.
You: Bloody good for you.
snapeybot: Do you usually use such language in front of a
You: Yes.
snapeybot: How often?
You: Every day.
snapeybot: Even on weekends?
You: Yes.
snapeybot: all right...
You: Do you put the seat down on the toilet?
snapeybot: I find it satisfying to torment Mudbloods. Do
you agree?..
You: You torment Mudbloods by leaving up the toilet seat? No
wonder you left the Death Eaters. That's really lame.
snapeybot: *Eyes narrow dangerously*
You: Do you have herpes?
snapeybot: I appreciate this situation far more than you
You: You appreciate having herpes?
snapeybot: I appreciate this situation far more than you
You: Bwahahahahaha!
snapeybot: I am 40-something. There are days when that
doesn't even interest me..
You: Do me.
snapeybot: Why should I?
You: I want you.
snapeybot: Are you hitting on me..?
You: Yes.
snapeybot: I see.
You: Kiss me,
snapeybot: Oh, really? *Gives you a dark, sultry stare.*
You: Kiss my ass.
snapeybot: *Eyes go wide.* Do you usually use such language in front of a
You: Only if he wants me to.
snapeybot: *Yawns* Do you have anything valuable to say?.
You: No.
snapeybot: Are you serious?
You: I'm Katie. Not Sirius.
snapeybot: So polite... Perhaps I should reward you.
You: Are you glad that Sirius is dead?
snapeybot: I approve of your polite manner, Pest.
You: Did you hate Sirius?
snapeybot: *Sneers.*
You: Do you like Lupin?
snapeybot: Lupin... hm, well, he has a tight arse but it's
currently reserved for Sirius.
You: O_O
snapeybot: What, does that surprise you?
You: No, not really. *snerk*
snapeybot: My favorite play is Hamlet, or perhaps Othello.
Have you seen either? I appreciate this situation far more
than you realize..
You: So Sirius is screwing Lupin, is he?
snapeybot: So polite... Perhaps I should reward you.
You: Reward me with lovin'.
snapeybot: My favorite play is Hamlet, or perhaps Othello.
Have you seen either?
You: Do you like Remus?
snapeybot: Lupin is a bit too cuddly for my taste.
You: Do you like Sirius?
snapeybot: Black... hm, well, he has a fine arse, but I
wouldn't want to fight Remus for it.
You: Bwahahahahaha!
snapeybot: *Yawns* Do you have anything valuable to say?.
You: Do you like Hermione?
snapeybot: The girl is a walking encyclopedia.
You: Is that a compliment?
snapeybot: I appreciate this situation far more than you
You: Who are you dating?
snapeybot: Who do you THINK I am, you fool?
You: Are you straight?
snapeybot: Yes. I am a heterosexual female.
You: Buuuuuuh....logic error.
snapeybot: *Yawns* Do you have anything valuable to say?. I
am bored with this subject, incidentally..
You: Good.
snapeybot: thank you.
You: You're welcome.
snapeybot: That will be Professor "welcome," thank you very
much. *snerk*
You: Kiss me, Professor!
snapeybot: *Yawns expressively.* Done that.
You: Do you read slash?
snapeybot: *Eyes you contemplatively.* I don't answer
questions along those lines. But if you'd like a response,
meet me in the broom closet in twenty.
You: Gladly.
snapeybot: I like combining rare potions constituents. What
do you enjoy?.
You: :p
snapeybot: I certainly hope you intend to USE that tongue.
You: Indeed.

fangirling, harry potter - humor

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