These are the days of our Sims...

May 16, 2005 15:23

I've been addicted to Sims 2 again since I got the University expansion pack.

Some, er, interesting things happen in my bizarre little world...

So the game comes preloaded with existing Sims to play around with.
One such pair was Dina and Nina Caliente, the hot babes who are (at least according to the strategy guide and the pre-built details in the game) supposed to be looking for lovin' in questionable places. Particularly Nina, who has the Fortune Aspiration and wants to marry a rich Sim--namely old Mortimer Goth. While a gold-digging slut Sim is interesting, I didn't want to hook her up with Mortimer, because dangit, I like Mortimer too much to let him be used like that. I have lots of fond memories of him from the first game. ;) And Nina's sister, Dina, had a thing for Don Lothario, who was engaged to Cassandra Goth.
So rather than let the predetermined drama play out, I created a pair of rich brothers to snag the Caliente sisters. They'd marry rich and be happy, and the Goth family's dignity would remain intact. ;)
I locked Nina's "Marry a Rich Sim" Want and set to work wooing the two couples.
First Dina accepted an engagement ring from the first of the new Sims, Arthur Astorsim. Then Nina got engaged to the other brother, Jared Astorsim--a rich doctor! Perfect for her moneygrubbing instincts. Dina and Arthur got married in the brother's backyard and were very happy. A few days later Nina and Jared got married in the same spot. Nina was on cloud nine, having married a rich Sim like she wanted.

So the two brothers married the two sisters and shared a big ol' mansion and things were peachy keen.
Dina got pregnant first. A couple days later, Nina got pregnant. Perfect.
Dina gave birth one morning before her husband left for work. Also perfect. Her sister and brother-in-law were also on-hand to witness the blessed event. There was much rejoicing.
Nina went to take a shower. I was busy in another part of the house, getting the new baby fed and cuddled and put into its crib, so I wasn't paying attention to her.
Then all of a sudden the screen flashed over to Nina, who had just gotten out of the shower, clutching her stomach and moaning. I figured, oh, okay, she's ready to do the transition from Day One to Day Two of her pregnancy. (The game snaps to them then, as they go through a transformation the last two days of their pregnancy. Day One they aren't showing but have morning sickness, Day Two the sickness disappears and they get a "cute pregnant" bump, Day Three they waddle around big as a house, and then, usually the next day, they give birth. At each of these transitions the Sim stops what she's doing and suddenly--bloop!--swells up even bigger. It's amusing.)
But not in this case. Something had gone horribly wrong with poor Nina! Instead of growing a bump, she fell to the floor, screaming and clutching her belly, curled into the fetal position--and died! O_O WHAT in the SimWorld--?!?!?! The Grim Reaper showed up to do his thing, and although her husband pleaded with him, Nina was gone!

Well, THAT put a damper on things! o_0 I thought about backing out without saving, but I hadn't remembered to save in ages and I didn't want to re-do all the work I'd already done, and have Dina give birth all over again, etc. So I thought, what the hey, I'm not too attached to Dina and Nina since I didn't make them or anything, so I ran with the plot twist.
Nina's widower, Jared, was understandably upset for a few days, but then aside from the "Have a Baby" Want remaining in his Aspirations he seemed to have moved on, gotten a promotion, and gotten over it.

Meanwhile, down the street lived Brandi Broke. According to the preloaded info, her husband had suffered a mysterious pool ladder accident (a hilarious nod to the first game and the common method of Simicide--deleting the pool ladder so they drown) and left her to raise her teenage delinquent son and her toddler son by herself. After you start playing the household, you also come to realize that the late Mr. Broke left one more surprise gift--Brandi's pregnant again. So now she's got THREE extra mouths to feed. I got the teenager straightened out as best I could so he didn't drop out of school, and sent him off to college with his girlfriend. One less dependent.
But Brandi's Wants still consistently showed "Fall in Love" and "Get Married," and her Fears showed "Get old and not be married" (can't remember the exact wording on that one, but that's the gist of it).

Aha, now I had two widowed Sims looking for love. Perfect!
I got Brandi to woo Jared, and asked him to move in. Then I looked at Jared's memories and saw "Had an affair with Brandi." Wait a minute...his wife is dead. How can it be an affair? Due to an apparent glitch in the game, he was still considered a married Sim. And thus he could move in with Brandi and Woo Hoo with her, but not marry her. So her "Fall in Love" Want was fulfilled, but the marriage ones were beyond reach. ARG! And she was only five days from transitioning to an Elder.

In a last, desperate attempt to bring balance to the Sim-Force, I attempted to hook her up with Don Lothario, thinking I could break his already-dubious engagement to Cassandra Goth and have Brandi marry him instead. They hated each other and refused to cooperate.
Fortunately her Fear about growing old unmarried was replaced by something else by the time her birthday rolled around. >_< Jared's still a young Sim with plenty of Adult days left, so I suppose maybe he'll stick around until Brandi kicks the bucket and then--I don't know, move back in with his brother or something. o_0 Bizarre.

Don Lothario, meanwhile, is also practically at the Elder threshold, and is one Sim short of his "Make Woo Hoo With Five Sims" aspiration. ;) He's getting too old to marry Cassandra, anyway. :-p

[Soap opera announcer voice] These are the days of our Sims... [/s.o.a.v.]


games - the sims

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