Because the Gods of Uniformity Have Gone on Vacation...

Aug 28, 2008 08:44 insists on adding all the different synonyms of "rain" to today's forecast. Go check it out, it says:

9 am - 12 pm: RAIN
1 pm - 3 pm: SHOWERS
4 pm - 6 pm: LIGHT RAIN
7 pm - 8 pm: T-STORMS

...they should have just written "Hey guys, if you're going outside, plan on getting wet." The interesting rain doesn't even start until 7:00 tonight...and there are a lot of activities planned today that take place outside, so this is going to be a terribly fun day...

I'm considering signing up to be an Orientation Coordinator...It might be a great opportunity, but I'm not sure how I feel about it...It's much higher than Orientation Leader, but I wanted to get a job with the government this summer...I just don't know...
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