First Day of Classes...

Aug 25, 2008 20:56

Ok, so I feel that I have to write at least one entry about my classes today, because they were just phenomenal.

9:00 AM was Accounting II was fun, because it was the same professor from last year, so that was nice. My stupid self sold back my textbook, so I had to buy it back, because I'm an idiot. Accounting just makes sense to me, so hopefully that won't be too hard.

10:00 AM was Microeconomics, and I'm really not sure what to think about that class, just because I was TERRIBLE at Macroeconomics. I'm hoping for a fresh start, honestly.

12:00 PM was Intermediate German, which was AMAZING!!! After 5 minutes I was totally back in the swing of things, I remembered tons of stuff I thought I had forgotten, and I was doing circles around everyone. I missed that feeling, I'm so excited to finally have a somewhat easy class in my schedule.

2:45 PM was the Washington Guides Training Meeting where they began to train us to be tour guides. I can't help but still feel a bit of animosity towards the organization since they didn't accept me when I applied as a Sophomore, and nothing has really changed about me since then that would warrant accepting me as a Junior. I feel behind, like I could be doing so much more at this phase, but no, just training...Other than that, it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

4:00 PM was the Student Leaders BBQ...which I basically bailed out on since it didn't look like anyone was coming, and my skills are put to better use at the Club Carnival. That's where I'll get the recruits...

6:00 PM was my Business Law class with Judge Bass. There was NO air conditioning, so I fell asleep several times, and even the professor looked like he was about to. We had to end the class a little early because it was so hot. But he used an example from the Sniper Case, and that caught my attention, so I went up to him after class and asked him if he knew Paul Ebert. He said he didn't work with him, but all his best friends did, and he knew the judge that ruled on the Sniper Case and how he was going to VA Supreme Court now. So I asked if he knew my dad, and he said he did, so that's got me a little shoe-in with this situation...

So that's that. So far, I love my classes, and I'm really excited about tomorrow's, too.

But I'm exhausted right now, and I need to get some work done before I get to bed.

More later...
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