
Dec 01, 2007 23:44

On SG-1, Tapping plays a tough lady soldier, which is trickier than playing a lady cop, because she's always in fatigues and combat boots and can't show she's a girl by wearing a dress now and then or flashing some cleavage. If she were to act tough by acting like a man acting tough she would disappear inside her camos. There'd be four men on the mission and the pretty one would be Michael Shanks. --Lance Mannion

The tangly mess in my brain goes something like: Anger makes people not listen to me. I want to be listened to, particularly when I speak about things that are important to me. Therefore I should not sound angry. But. I am a woman, and when I get angry, people listen to me even less. I am Chinese, and when I get angry, people listen to me even less. I look young, so people listen to me even less (I get mistaken for a student a lot). Talking about racism makes people uncomfortable, and people get angry easier, and listen to me even less.

And I think about it more (or I don't), and I think: That makes me really fucking angry! --oyceter

I arrived in Chicago on the trail of visions of me ripping USAir's entrails out by hand and triumphing. I got there at 7:25 on Friday night. Everyone was sparkly, and I was grimy, but they cheered! And, you know, if you ever want a satisfying end to a long, long, long, long, long journey, get a bunch of fans to dress up in sparkles and cheer for you. --barkley

I will say, I lost some respect for Halle Berry when I discovered she'd had a nose job that resulted in a "whiter" profile. (This was before she claimed that Catwoman was a feminist movie. Loss of respect is a lifelong process.) --veejane

I have that same problem with conversation. I have a hard time coming up with something to say after "hello." My usual way of dealing with it is to stand near two people who are having a conversation, look at the first one when she is talking and nod my head, look at the second one while she is talking, tilt my head quizzically to the left, and so on. You would be surprised how smart people think you are when you say nothing at all. --jackiekjono

Gabby's Century Hotel vid to the song Ballingal Hotel totally made me want to watch the...uh, film? Mini-series? Which seems to depict the history of a motel in which bad things often happen to its inhabitants. Fannish osmosis, you let me down: I had no idea there were other plotlines to the source material than the one involving David Hewlett's ass. --minnow1212

I'm about to watch "A Coffin for Starsky," and I'm excited like a small child on Christmas morning. This is the one where Starsky collapses in the alley and he clutches Hutch's thigh, right? --greensilver

Once upon a time, I remembered friends phone numbers, but now I know the difference between Goa'uld and Tokra. Oh, the shame. --thepouncer

So instead of packing for Dragon*Con last night, I spent three hours researching the topography around Area 51. Why, you ask? Because the writer brain decided that it was time to dig out the gen Sam apocafic kernel that's been sitting forlorn since last year. Why? "Because everyone else is having fun destroying the world," it said, "and all I've gotten to do lately is write about sticky, sweaty naked people poking body parts in other body parts. Ew! Enough! A brain needs some variety, damn it! Let me kill everyone already!"

Sex and violence, people, that's what it always comes to. --splash-the-cat

And you want to know what's really funny? In the not quite ha ha way, but not not ha ha way? I ignored the whole abusiveness of the Dean/Impala relationship because it made me uncomfortable. Ha. --barkley, not contributing to the Unofficial Theme of Vividcon 2007

I wanted to give the Asgard-derived ship a not-obscure Norse-ish name, and Valhalla was the first thing that popped into my head. And then I thought, You can't name a ship that. Totally inappropriate name for a ship. And then I thought, But that makes it perfect! Because that's the kind of name they give all their ships! --paian, on naming a spaceship "Valhalla"

I'm at dragon*con. I get up at seven thirty in the morning to work out (it's an effort, but I've got a goal I try hard to meet).

Today Jamie Bamber was three treadmills down.

fanaticize FTW! --gritkitty

So then, after giving Skinner a chance to also hit Krycek in the face, and leaving Krycek handcuffed on Skinner's balcony overnight, and threatening to leave Krycek locked in a car for a week, Mulder decided he should take Krycek to Russia with him. Because Krycek just happened to swear at Mulder in Russian at the exact moment the plot required. So off they went! To Siberia! Where they wound up in freaking GULAG. And after indulging in some tasty cockroach water, Mulder learned a very important lesson:

In Gulag, fence climbs YOU. --greensilver

This is one of the perks of being a unicyclist, anyway. You get to say hard-core things like, "Oh, that bruise? Yeah, took a spill on my unicycle." Like how when people say, "Hey, how'd you get that scar on your hand?" you don't actually say, "I was attacked by a microwave oven," you say, "Oh, that? Mountain lion. I beat it off with a shoe." --agentotter

I cannot adequately describe in words how riveting she is; the charisma a lot of these actors have is almost a physical presence. But the results were clear, since a bunch of us who have otherwise had no interest in collecting autographs immediately went and bought Claudia Black autograph tickets. *facepalm* We were helping her buy toilet seats! Honestly, it does make sense. --danceswithwords

Anyway, [fan_eunice] says:

I also want to say that while I have little use for things like 'ship wars and character bashing, I do appreciate that fandom has started talking about Big Important Issues and how they relate to us and our shows.

And I say:


I am just the opposite. I miss ship wars and character bashing. Bring on the character bashing, fandom! I'm begging you! I'm all nostalgic about it. --merryish

Also, I have discovered today that samosas are flammable.

In other words: I would highly advise against reheating samosas in your toaster oven at 200 deg F while you go restart your computer. I finally noticed that the small popping noises and the faintly acrid smell of smoke wafting through the halls could not mean anything of the good. I ran to the kitchen, only to find the front glass door of my toaster oven completely blackened, smoke pouring everywhere. I'm rather amazed that no fire alarms were set off.

After staring slack-jawed, I vaguely remembered that you're not supposed to pour water on an electrical fire and reached over to unplug it. Popping noises continued to come from the sooty innards of the toaster oven. I freaked out. I didn't have anything large enough to cover the toaster oven with to cut off the air supply, and despite Alton Brown's multiple extortions to keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen... you all know the end to that sentence.

I then timidly opened the door of the toaster oven to find two very blackened samosas, one of which was merrily blazing away. I put it out with some water and thereby saved the house from burning down and me from having to answer embarrassing questions: "So, how exactly did the fire start?" "Well, you see, there was a samosa..." --oyceter

Sadly, I did not get a good picture of Michael Shanks' face of abject WTF. He also wondered why his pony had E=MC^2 on its ass, and not to nitpick the My Little Ponies, but... I am going to nitpick the My Little Ponies (truly, I have few places lower to go after seeing Dante's Cove), because obviously that is much more appropriate for a Sam pony than a Daniel one. --danceswithwords

I woke up on Sunday and decided to watch Friday Night Lights in bed, as you do. FFwd many hours, and I'm back in bed for the night and I roll over and I hit the DVD box where I had left it from the morning. And, you know, I love Friday Night Lights, but I think I want to draw the line at sleeping with it. --barkley

Also, "Jack O'Neill" and "epistolary novel": two things that do not go together. I think half my scenes would be reduced to long and eloquent letters followed by inappropriate postcards with "NO" scrawled across them. --rydra_wong

I'm firmly of the belief that the "reply to all" function on any email program should be locked, and that users only be allowed access to it after they complete a rigorous training course in 1) learning how to use the online directory to track the group owner and contact that individual with their removal requests, 2) sending a message to the user advocate to resolve the problem, and 3) acting like the professional grown-ups they ostensibly are.

Barring that, I would like a squad of deadly ninjas to send out across campus to break all their fingers. --splash-the-cat

PLUS, her pacing is all hell. It always goes sorta like this: "Everyone mills around, and talks. Blah, blah, blah, blah, OH NO, only FIVE MINUTES LEFT! STUFF HAPPENS! End." Dude, it's just like you're wasting time waiting around for the exciting action sequence! Plot could go there! --siinik on Sera Gamble

After my gorge n' wallow on Friday night, I got up early to write on Saturday, went to Writer's Group and then took M. to purchase a vehicle. After establishing that yes, somehow, continued exposure to Glendale makes you lose IQ points, M. decided upon a vehicle and I left him there to make it happen. Went to class, increased my headache, had my Saturday night plans cancel, went back to collect M. who had discovered that despite the best intentions of paying in cash, they really mean cash cash, not debit card cash, so he has to go back this week with a check and proof of insurance so he can take the vehicle home.

It would be really nice if, in that process, he removed the vehicle that has been in our carport for two fucking years. When I suggested, politely, that he make that happen, he looks at me with all seriousness and says, "Yeah, you got any phone numbers for that?"

I did not lunge across the table and throttle him. I win. --thassalia

Hiro in feudal Japan! I have mixed feelings. On one hand, Hiro in feudal Japan! On the other hand, Hiro is effectively out of the action away from the rest of the gang, which is not so good. On the other other hand, why are they having Kensei played by a white guy?! It should have been played by someone like Toshiro Mifune!! Excep for the part where he's a Japanese natural treature and would have been too expensive to get, and... also, kind of dead, which is rather inconvenient. Ah, well. --vonnie_k on Four Months Later

Updated thoughts that I posted elsewhere on the new Bionic Woman last night, except there, I spelled Ojai as Ohai and could not figure out what I was doing wrong even though I knew it looked wrong. I blame lolcats, as one should. --barkley

OK, Jim and Pam? Cuter than a basket of puppies. I mean, the expression "died of the adorable" was invented for them. They are lethally cute. The went on a hand-to-hand combat with a baby panda in an epic cute-off and the baby panda was all, "I can't deal with this kind of cut-throat competition, bitches!" and crawled back to his mother's womb. --vonnie_k on Fun Run

Oh, show. Your occasional willingness to drop logic for plotline cannot scare me away, because I watched X-Files for many years, but it does frustrate me. --heresluck on Heroes

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