Vids and the nonfannish

Nov 26, 2007 20:58

So around about late August, I have a yearly conversation with my parents in which I try to explain vids to them. (Well, to my mother. I could just avoid the topic altogether, but eh, if I'm going to talk with them I'm going to mention I was in Chicago, and lying about why seems like an awful lot of trouble.)

I've never quite managed to get the concept across, I don't think. So when the New York Magazine interview with sockkpuppett came along, I sent a link, figuring actual examples would do a better job.

Mom comes back saying, essentially, that she sees why people like making them but can I send her any examples that aren't so *violent*?

Okay, so, vids that a) are non-violent; b) are comprehensible to someone whose preference in TV and movies pretty much completely fails to overlap fandom's; c) are available in streaming video; and d) are set to music that my mother will be able to cope with.

THIS IS MUCH HARDER THAN IT SHOULD BE. I mean, I went for Laura's Late Model Lover, but no, Buffy-and-Spike angry sex. I went for morgandawn's Flying Home, but no, Fraser gets shot!

So I ended up with laurashapiro's Circles (plus one-line summary of the relevant plot), flummery's Big Red Boat (plus one-line summary of the premise of the show), melina123 and astolat's The Mountain (plus warning for violence lurking just past the edge of the screen), wickedwords' and sherrold's (I think?) Stress (plus warning for alien creature bite), and jarrow272's Paul McCartney, plus nothing. Well, I mentioned that sitcoms are an unusual choice.

Seriously, this was surprisingly difficult. It would be much easier with fic; I could just send her nice non-violent porn! Except I wouldn't do that, because, just, NO.


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