
May 09, 2006 17:21

Winning the nostalgia award: The X-Files. I just know that wouldn't end well, though. Maybe just the Good Parts version? With all of the voiceovers cut out?

I'm also feeling a surprising amount of residual affection for Joan of Arcadia. I'd totally forgotten how fond I was of that show.

Jack O'Neill

1) The bit in Serpent’s Venom where Jacob tells him to take the stick and he just lights up like a little kid, all “ooh ooh the cool kid wants me to drive the cool car yay!”

2) The very end of Abyss. “You gonna be okay?” Oh, Jack.

3) There’s a bit in… Out of Mind, maybe? Anyway, the S2 finale. He’s sneaking into Carter’s room and has to whack the ‘doctor’ over the head with this, I don’t know, random piece of prop business he’s picked up, and there’s this really funny moment where he kind of looks at it and looks at the guy he’s got to whack and makes this “well, okay, I guess this is what we’ve got to work with so… sorry, random guy” face. I like that bit, though I don’t know why.

Keith Mars

1) Booby-trapping the office safe.

2) The “18-It’s Legal!” campaign poster.

3) “I’m not a fifteen-year-old boy, Woody. You don’t scare me.” Because that could be defensive, you know? But it isn’t. It’s true.


1) Letting Rya’c kick the crap out of him in Redemption.

2) The end of Upgrades: “I have nothing to apologize for.” And that smug look.

3) New!First!Prime! Teal’c, from Threshold, running up to Bra’tac just beaming. Chris Judge has such a great smile, and Teal’c gets to use it so rarely.

4) Okay, extra one for Teal’c: Being totally ready to explain Star Wars to Vala as an example of virgin conception.

Grace Polk

1) Making Luke sign a dating--excuse me, making out--contract.

2) The end of No Future, when she’s so careful with Luke and then destroys said dating contract in front of Joan.

3) Giving Joan that tissue after the debate, letting down her barriers just a bit.

Charles Gunn

1) His last day with Anne.

2) “I’ve got a plan… We die horribly and painfully. You go to hell and I spend eternity in the arms of the Baby Jesus.”

3) The Gilbert & Sullivan-switched-quickly-to-rap scene.

Jacob Carter

1) After Jack told him off about saying they weren’t going to make it: “And give up my last chance to be right?”

2) The despairing, why-am-I-surrounded-by-crazy-people face he makes after Daniel tells him he pretended to be the Great and Powerful Oz.

3) JACOB: The truth is, we suspected they were going to kill the slaves when the Summit was done.
DANIEL: And you didn’t think that was important enough to tell me?
JACOB: Not considering that you were going to kill all the Goa’ulds.
DANIEL: I’m not doing that any more.
JACOB: True. *genuinely curious* What’s your point?

Aeryn Sun


2) Turning on the Aurora Chair for Crais. I mean, I probably disapprove, but still.

3) Aeryn with that big-ass gun: “Sorry about the mess.”

Dana Scully

1) The pizza autopsy from, what was it, Bad Blood?

2) Screwing with Mulder’s head on the rooftop in the movie.

3) The little background gag in, what was it called, Hollywood AD? The one where she was demonstrating how to run in extremely high heels. Cracks me up every time.


1) The end of Flesh and Bone, when she places her hand over Leoben’s.

2) Her expression when Tyrol sends her back into the gooey Raider and tells her to treat it like a horse.

3) Shoving Apollo’s Viper back onto the flight deck, while Apollo is telling her she’s nuts.

Chief Tyrol

1) Going into Adama’s office to protest poor dead what’s-his-face being locked up.

2) Going with Helo to release what they thought were Hera’s ashes.

3) Building the Laura.

Luke Girardi

1) The moose-and-elk conversation with Kevin, wherein it is revealed that Luke Girardi is totally attracted to powerful women. Or possibly ungulates.

2) The geode!

3)The whole bit where he goes to the anarchists’ meeting or whatever it is looking for Grace, and ends up burning his shoes.

John Crichton

1) The back-and-forth with D’Argo about Noranti and whether or not the Luxans actually burn their old people.

2) Talyn!John’s English-lesson scene with Aeryn. Mmm.

3) Won’t Get Fooled Again, in toto, but especially after he just lets go and goes with it. S&M Rygel? Sure, why not?

Professor Salieri didn't read the instructions thoroughly AHEM, so her request for BSG gets her the Battlestar Galactica herself.

1) Leaving Ragnar station, the big bulk of her, with the other ships huddled around.

2) That episode in early S2 where the Galactica ended up alone, and you got that sudden pullout, which was so strange--the fleet was supposed to be there, and then OMG they weren’t!

3) The Galactica is actually kind of strangely personalityless for an SF spaceship-or else my memory’s not very good-so I’m going to give in and use the fanfic image that popped into my head before anything from the show did: Galactica waiting for the Calliope. Sniff.

veronica mars, bsg, fandom, stargate sg-1

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