Veronica Mars

May 09, 2006 22:08



I feel... dissatisfied. I don't know how I would've reacted if I hadn't been prepped by speculation for Beaver's--no, no, Cassidy's--guilt. I hoped that wasn't the case, but it did make a heck of a lot of sense, so I wasn't surprised. But my objection to it from the beginning was that it felt too calculated for the Cassidy we knew, and as it turns out, that was fair; it's just that Cassidy wasn't the Cassidy we knew. And it feels... I feel a little cheated, I guess. It was too much. The bus full of kids, the murder of Curly, the careful masterminding, the bomb on the plane, the sadism... too much. I couldn't let go and wallow in the tragedy of it all. The sadism, mostly, I think. It didn't feel like a traumatized kid lashing out, it felt like a movie serial killer. You know?

Though the suicide scene grabbed me. That hit the right tragic note.


* I'm certainly glad Keith's not dead. I didn't think they'd do that, but hey, anything's possible, right? His big dorky Dad cheer for Veronica on graduation was adorable.

* Oh, Lamb, you ASSHOLE. I mean, Eli was extremely bad, and I have no issue at all with him being arrested, but he couldn't've waited until after the ceremony? As I said: Asshole.

* Poor Mac. Though I suspect she was never in any danger from Cassidy--or at least not so long as she didn't get in his way.

* I don't love that for a second season in a row, we ended with a sobbing, victimized Veronica saved by a guy. And... I don't know. Maybe I'm being oversensitive; after all, she's small, she's eighteen, she's never been depicted as physically powerful, and in her defense she did get Logan up to the roof and tackle Cassidy. But I felt kind of icky about the scene beforehand with Cassidy taunting her. Felt gratuitous, somehow.

* Admittedly, Logan's very appealing when he shows his good side, so that was nice.

* Was anyone else weirded out by Logan And Veronica Do The Pieta? Just me, then? Okay.

* Jackie's big revelation whatever, though if they're bothering to give her a revelation now I guess we'll probably see more of her last year. Feels like cheating.

* Alicia! Hi, Alicia! Hey, you haven't considered getting back together with Keith, have you? ...No? That's a shame.

* Hey, look, Duncan's a murderer! Good on ya, Donut. For now, you've out-bad-boyed Logan!

* The dream graduation was very sweet; I'm surprised I responded to it, but I did. And of course Lilly was picking up her boyfriend's exes.

* So, did Kendall let CW (hee) in? It's not like there was much of a time lag between her leaving Aaron's bed and Aaron getting shot. (Yay, dead Aaron! Which I would not approve of in real life, of course.)

* Oh, Cassidy. Cassidy, you didn't.

veronica mars, television, fandom

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