I wanna play before everyone gets completely bored with this

May 08, 2006 19:13

Name a character from one of my fandoms, and I will tell you my top 3 moments or scenes (or at least 3 of my favorites) of them.

Let's say... B7, Buffy, Angel, Veronica Mars, SG-1, SGA, BSG. Oh, add in Joan of Arcadia if you'd like, I think I remember enough details to have favorite moments. You may also feel free to try me on movies, but that's At Your Own Risk.

ETA: Oh, and XF! And Farscape! What was I thinking? I knew there was a Sci-Fi channel show I was forgetting.

ETA #2: DW!


A month or two ago R, a friend who used to play trivia with me poked me into doing the online qualify-to-try-out-for-Jeopardy test, and apparently I passed. So that should be interesting; ironically* enough, I have to be in Portland the week beforehand anyway for training, so this way I'll have an excuse to stay over until the test on Sunday, or maybe even take off once the training's done and explore a little bit more of Oregon. (I've only ever been to Portland. Well, and I had lunch in Hood River once.) And then I get to... take a test! Yay, standardized testing! Tests rock.

I promised R she could come with me to the audition if I got one, but now I'll be down there all week, so she'd have to drive down and back herself. We'll see.

* I have been terrified of using this word ever since that Alanis song came out. I have no idea if the situation described above is actually ironic. Caveat emptor.

veronica mars, bsg, random, stargate atlantis, fandom, stargate sg-1

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