Mother's Day

May 07, 2006 21:16

So I'm wrapping up my Mother's Day gift so I can get it in the mail tomorrow. I went the book route, one by John McPhee about oranges; Mom's a big reader, she likes to learn about how things work, and she and Dad have entered the "spend part of the winter in Florida" phase of their lives, so it's apropos.

That, however, is not why I'm posting. I'm posting because of the card.

As anyone who's bought a Mother's Day card undoubtedly knows, it is an extremely pink experience. Not as pink as the girls' aisle at a toy store, but still, quite pink. So I'm going through the cards, and not finding one that really speaks to me, until I hit one that combines "yay you're a great Mom and I love you" with "I really value that you work to make the world a better place." So, you know, less "sweet, nuturing motherhood is the pinnacle of all experience!" and more "you're pretty great overall and also I'm glad you're my mother."

So I thought, yes, that fits, I like that, and I take it up to the register and then I realize: I have found what seems like the only card in that entire rack that doesn't have pink as a major design element. There are some subtle flowers, and a vaguely pinky-coppery band along one side... but no pink. It's all very neutral.

Apparently pink and going out in the world and doing stuff don't mix. Who knew?


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