Hello! I am rubbish at updating. :( I thought I'd do a pictorial update of what I've been doing over the last couple of months though - isn't that nice? Many pictures of varying levels of ridiculousness under the cut.
♥ So, Christmas happened. I went to the parental abode in France with my ridiculous sister:
And her equally ridiculous husband:
We had a smashing Christmas dinner (they had goose and venison, and very excited about it they all were too. I don't really like meat outside the chicken/mince/bacon spectrum so I had nut roast. Nom.)
In Mum and Dad's beautiful new kitchen
And I got some awesome presents! (Including the camera with which I took all the pictures.)
♥ Then it was New Year's Eve and I went to
yan_tan_tether's Steampunk vs Cyberpunk party, where there were some awesome costumes.
(Lol messing about with the settings on my camera)
klo_the_hobbit and I went to see OK Go in January and they put on an excellent stageshow, as you would expect. They did a hand bell song and I videod it, but it's not been converted yet so I can't share.
♥ I went to Butlins in Bognor for "Funtenary" (Protip: If they have to put "fun" in the name of something it's probably not going to be fun.) We nearly froze to death on the beach but the Brownies had fun which was the main thing, I suppose.
♥ Jillo came to London to visit and we went to
Decode at the V&A where they had various digital art things you could get involved in.
(All the clips on this screen are visitors to the exhibition. Spot my sister.)
Magic mirror - you stand still in front of it and slowly appear in it, like a Victorian photograph almost.
♥ I bought a dress that looks like a ladybird and a giant poofy petticoat from
Vivien of Holloway.
(Oh yeah, that's a Snuggie on my chair. You know you're jealous.)
And I think that is enough of that.
What have you been doing?