Apr 18, 2009 13:59
Book binging: a reading disorder in which an individual reads an entire series or the entire works of an author in dangerously short period of time, resulting in dazed expressions, feelings of vacant emptiness, anxiety if the rest of the series is not available at the library, and a challenge anytime you want to read but not binge on books.
I must admit, I am often a book binger. Sometimes I will go back and binge on a well loved series. Sometimes it will be an author I've just started reading.
Here's a few authors I've book binged on in the past year:
-Maria Snyder (awesome Poison Study series, if you're looking for something to read!)
-Trudi Canavan
-Shannon Hale
-Scott Westerfeld
-Stephenie Meyer
-Orson Scott Card
-J.K. Rowling
Hmmm... a trend, I tend to binge on sci-fi/fantasy. Maybe I should avoid that genre to get out of this binging habit.
The end of last week I was exhausted with the semester coming to a close, so I went to the library to check out a book to read for a few hours. And in a library that is in the top 5 university libraries in the United States, I could not find a book I could spend a few hours with. It was frustrating, and I think a combination result of stress and my book binging habit.
-I have four individual books, that are not part of series, on my shelf that I got for my birthday and haven't yet read. I will read those.
-I checked out two other non-series books from the library.
-I will spend time savoring books but will not binge. If I do read a series, I will remember that I will get so much more enjoyment out of the series if I do not binge on it.
Any suggestions on books I could read and enjoy, but might be less likely to get into a book binge with?