1. I am thankful that I am officially done with semester (grades submitted and everything), and that today and tomorrow are completely dedicated to rejuvenating myself. Bliss!
2. I am thankful that it is always possible to create new goals and do better at doing the things that matter to me. I've been thinking about that a lot this past week. Things I've failed at--some fitness goals, some writing goals, along with a number of other things. But I'm signing up for an aerobics class (only $38 for 2 times a week for 3 months) and doing other things that will help me meet my goals.
3. I am thankful that disappointments, failures, and self-doubt can be conquered! I may not have vanquished them entirely, but the last few days I feel like I've been able to put things in perspective.
4. I am thankful that the local newspaper, the Daily Herald, actually decided to publish the letter to the editor I sent in. My voice does matter! Democracy does work! And the online version has had over 140 views already. The paper declares
"Voter Disappointed", which is a fair statement.
5. I am thankful for spring. It is so beautiful outside. This afternoon I am going to take a walk to a park about a mile away and work on my writing there. And in regards to my WIP, I wrote almost 5000 words in the past week. I'm into a rhythm!