Weird realisation

May 24, 2021 16:19

J went for his second jab today, which is a huge relief. For his first jab I went with him to show him where to go but this time I was left in the house on my own. It's quite a long walk and he had a longish wait so he was gone for over two hours, which I suddenly realised was the longest I have been in the house on my own since March 2020. We often go out for a walk separately and I've been out to the hairdresser and other things so it's not as if we are together all the time but I really don't think J's been out for longer than two hours without me. I wonder how many couples have either killed each other in the last year or are heading for complete co-dependency!

After he'd got back I went out for my walk. The sun was shining, it looked OK, then I spotted a dark cloud, then a black cloud, then the rain started to come down in torrents! Luckily I was dressed for it but still got rather wet, though of course, by the time I got back the sun was out. I think April showers have taken up residence in the second half of May!

Back to the meme.

21. Do you have any bumper stickers on your car?

We don't have a car but when we did the only stickers we had on it were a sticker to say that we had paid for the privilege of parking in our road, which has controlled parking, and another one to say we were residents of the borough and could use the local recycling centre aka the dump.

22. How many jobs have you had?

I had a number of temporary jobs both before and after university, then at the Beeb I had at least 5 different jobs and rather more changes of job title. If I count the temp jobs as one and disregard the job title changes that makes it about 6, though the last job title change did alter the job quite significantly so maybe it ought to be 7.

23. What’s your favorite kind of soup?

I love soup so I'm not sure I can pick a favourite. Anything with cheese in it is a favourite so broccoli and stilton would certainly be in the top 5 but it does depend on how I feel on the day.

24. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?

No, I've had one out.

The rest of the May questions are behind the cut.

25. Did you have a swing set in your yard when you were a child?
26. What was your favorite book you had to read for school?
27. Last wedding attended?
28. How long was your longest drive in a car?
29. Do you frequent social media more or less now?
30. What is something that never fails to make you feel accomplished?
31. What kind of cake did you have for your last birthday?

personal, virus, weather, 2021meme

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