Our lockdown is being gradually relaxed but I'm still sticking mostly to it. We just spoke to our friends in Bournemouth and apparently the trains going down there have been so busy the train company put on extra trains. I don't know if these are trains with social distancing in place but judging from the pictures of Bournemouth beach I suspect not. I did meet a friend yesterday for a socially distanced walk which was nice. She is a former GP and reckons the risk in the open air is not that great but we tried to stay 2 metres apart which is not easy when you are chatting. We walked to our biggest local park and most people were still observing the rules but there is a palpable sense around us of things slipping. In such glorious weather it is hard to blame people, especially when senior figures in the government appear to think the rules are only there to be broken. Thank you Demonic Cummings.
Back to the meme.
29. What parenting technique do you differ from your parents about?
I don't have any children so I can't really answer that one.
30. Make a list of three things you can do today to be kind to yourself.
If we're talking about yesterday it would be wear a sun hat when out walking; drink plenty of water; have a G&T with lots of ice. Luckily for me I was able to do all of those things.
31. If you could acquire a talent without any extra effort, what would it be?
This is hard. I would like to be able to speak a foreign language or play a musical instrument but at the moment what I would really like to be able to do is paint with watercolours. On a different day I would probably give a different answer but my poppies are coming into flower at the moment and a photograph just can't capture them in a way a watercolour might.
June questions behind the cut.
1 If you had to leave on a road trip tomorrow with little notice or planning, where would you go?
2 What is the strangest food you have ever tried and really liked?
3 What’s your favorite cake (or not-cake) for your birthday?
4 What item of clothing is your least favorite to shop for?
5 If you had only one window to look out of for the next six months, what would you want to see out that window?
6 Is there something you love to eat that no one else in your family likes?
7 Do you prefer shopping online or in a store?
8 What do you like least about living in your city/town?
9 What do you like most about living in your city/town?
10 What’s your favorite font?
11 If money were no object, but you could only choose one, would you rather travel somewhere via a first-class travel method or stay somewhere in a first-class accommodation?
12 What is your favorite place in your home? (Post a photo?)
13 What’s a popular vacation spot you have no interest whatsoever in visiting?
14 Who was your favorite teen heartthrob celebrity when you were a pre-teen?
15 Do you prefer big parties or smaller, more intimate gatherings?
16 If you had to create an alias or pseudonym for work purposes, what name would you use?
17 If you were chosen to be the first human to make contact with aliens, would you want to?
18 Would you rather travel a hundred years in the past or a hundred years in the future?
19 When you take a shower, do you let the water warm up before you step in, or do you turn the water on after you step in?
20 What quality makes you feel fierce and powerful? How does that quality manifest itself in your life?
21 At the summer solstice, the light begins to lessen. What in your life would you like to see decrease in the coming months?
22 What was your favorite piece of playground equipment when you were little?
23 Chocolate or vanilla? Or something else?
24 Have you ever deleted a post on social media because you had a low percentage of "likes"?
25 Do enjoy “roughing it” types of vacations such as camping or hiking, or are you more of a five-star hotel/cruise sort of vacationer?
26 If you could become new “side character” in any novel, which novel would you be a part of?
27 When you mentally go to your “happy place,” what does it look like in your mind?
28 Do you prefer working along or as part of a team?
29 What is your least favorite musical band? Why don’t you like them?
30 The year is half over now. What’s been the highlight of 2020 for you so far?