This is the "How many firemen does it take to free a fox cub trapped in a wheel?" edition. I did my Pilates class this morning and then was busy moving plants outside when we both noticed a commotion next door. On my next trip upstairs to get more plants I looked out of the window to see what was going on and this little incident was starting up.
ACO Kirsty and the local fire and rescue heroes rescued this fox in Croydon today. A bit greasy and cross he was successfully released. 28
@RSPCA_Frontline RSPCA Frontline (@RSPCA_Frontline)
May 21, 2020 One of the idiotic fox cubs that currently frequent our garden had managed to get his head stuck in a wheel next door. Luckily our next door neighbours M & G spotted him in time and the RSPCA and fire brigade got there very quickly to rescue the little perisher poor little fox. After they had extracted him with a very large pair of what looked like pliers to prise the wheel apart they put him in a cage to check him over. I think he was more upset about that than he was about being stuck in the wheel. And the answer to the question of how many of them it took was 6 burly firemen and one RSPCA officer.
After that back to the meme.
20. If someone you were trying to impress was coming over to your home for dinner, what would you make for them? (Please include the recipe!)
If I was trying to impress someone I certainly wouldn't invite them home to dinner as my cooking is of the toss it all in and hope it comes out OK variety. If I was absolutely forced to do it I would probably do something simple like roast chicken and outsource the pudding to J who is much better at them than I am. I once made Delia's Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding and my mother absolutely refused to remember that I had made it. She referred to it for ever afterwards as "that lovely chocolate bread and butter pudding that J made". I took that as a hint to give up making dessert but the recipe is
here. As I'm not going to give a recipe for roast chicken here is the recipe for the
Lemon Bars J made this week which are absolutely delicious.
21. Do you believe in soul mates?
As I have been married for 36 years I probably should but I think I believe that you grow into being each others soul mate. It's not something that happens instantly.
The rest of the May questions behind the cut.
22 What small thing can you plan to do tomorrow that you’ve never done before?
23 What would your teen self think of the adult you’ve become?
24 What’s the biggest problem you’re facing today?
25 What two colors do you think look best together?
26 Popcorn or pretzels?
27 What’s one thing you can do today that will make tomorrow easier?
28 Have you ever realized too late (e.g. after you've left the house) that you've been wearing an item of clothing inside out or backwards?
29 What parenting technique do you differ from your parents about?
30 Make a list of three things you can do today to be kind to yourself.
31 If you could acquire a talent without any extra effort, what would it be?