A miscellany

Jan 10, 2017 16:07

I haven’t forgotten that I’m supposed to be updating more regularly but not much is going on at the moment apart from the usual shopping for my mother and trailing backwards and forwards to her pharmacy for prescriptions that should be there and aren't. We were supposed to be going out for my ex-colleagues post-Christmas lunch yesterday but unfortunately the Tube strike put paid to that. J and I treated ourselves to coffee and cake in a local independent cafe instead, which was very pleasant. One of our local papers is running a poll to find the best independent cafe in the area, so we are attempting to visit some of the ones we don’t already know and this is the first of them. It was like stepping back in time as the cafe is part of an Italian delicatessen that was originally an old pharmacy and still has the old wall panelling and shelves. To offset the potential weight gain we walked there and back but I still don’t think it was enough to make up for the delicious lemon tart I had!

In other news: I managed to go into Waterstones and not spend any money. I was so pleased with myself at this slim evidence of self-control. I don’t usually make reading plans for the year but this year I have signed up with a Goodreads group to reduce my TBR pile. I’ve put myself down to read 12 books from the TBR pile which I thought would be easily doable until I realised that I’d only read 10 books from it last year as all the other books I read I bought in 2016. Oops! I find the stats on Goodreads quite fascinating because it gives a graph of books you’ve read by publication date. I was actually rather horrified to find that most of those I’ve read were published within the last 5 years so another of my reading aims for this year is to read some older books.

Finally: this week’s Sherlock was a phantasmagoric whirl and I have no idea what’s going on beyond the fact that Mrs Hudson should have her own show.

Really finally I've just seen that Clare Hollingworth has died at the age of 105. I heard a radio interview with her once and she was had a truly extraordinary career as a female war correspondent.

rambling, books

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