Road to the Isles

Dec 08, 2005 00:51

A few weeks ago I went to an SCA event in Gwyntarian called Road to the Isles. The theme was, not surprisingly, the British Isles, and there was a bardic competition prominently featured. It was the most fun SCA event I've been to in years.

The first thing I noticed was a lovely and very period smell of smoke. It turns out that earlier in the day there had been a problem with the flue in the fireplace. It didn't bother me at all, as the scent added to the atmosphere. Besides, I don't think chimneys were invented by my time period. ;-)

The people at troll were actually friendly to me. Most trolls at events are polite and nice, but these people made me feel welcome, and treated me as a fellow Scadian rather than as a paying customer, something that has became all too rare these days. The site token was a Celtic knotwork button, which I was subsequently able to wear in a mundane setting.

I then proceeded to buy a delightful lunch of muffin, fruit, and tea, and went off in search of the bardic competition. As I had arrived late, I didn't think I'd be able to perform, but settled in to eat lunch and listen. After a few more people performed, the person in charge asked if there was anyone else. Several people (including yours truly) indicated that there was. When my turn came, I sang "Twa Corbies," which I'd learned for that event. It seemed to go over well, as I won second place. Many more people performed, including some minor teenagers. It was a very welcoming and friendly bardic competition.

Then it was off to a class on medieval bardic poetry, which turned into a very fun and informal discussion on Auraicept na n-Eces (note to self - get the book.) It's that type of discussion that just doesn't happen outside the SCA.

Throughout the day, people actually talked to me. Not in a getting-things-done or making-the-rounds sense, but just as casual conversation among Scadians. It doesn't seem to happen that much any more.
This was by far the most hospitable event I've been to in years.

After the class I went to the concert (Anonymous String Band, if I recall correctly). It was a beautiful performance, and afterwords we were invited to come up on stage to look at the instruments.

In the common room there was a large, round stone fire-place with a raised hearth. I couldn't resist, and sat on the hearth to play my harp. It was one of those magical moments in which you become your persona.

I couldn't stay for the feast and dancing (dancing! you don't often see dancing at events these days), as I had to return to clean for my in-laws who were coming the next day. But it really restored my faith in the SCA. I shall definitely return next year.

bardic, sca

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