My son is funny - part i

May 01, 2009 23:06

...aka My Kid Says The Darndest Things.

While talking with T, I realized that I need to post more of the funny quips my son says.
So, I'm posting.  

A couple weeks ago, the kiddle was talking to my mom on my cell phone.
My phone needed charging - of the 3 bars, there was 1 left.

After hanging up with Grammy, he noticed said lack of battery power.

He said, "Oh no mom! You're almost out of batteries on your phone! It's not gonna die, is it?"

I said, "I don't think so, love. It's ok though. It'll beep if the battery gets too low and it's easy enough to plug it in and charge it up again."

He said, "Well, don't worry mom. If the phone dies I'll give it C.P.R."

I giggled at that. I wondered if he knew what the letters stood for, but I had to hear this first...
So I asked, "How are you going to give my phone C.P.R.? It doesn't breathe, SillyBoo."

He said, "Nooooo, not C.P.R. for people mom, the OTHER kind of C.P.R."

Confused, I had to ask...
"The other kind of C.P.R....? What's the other kind of C.P.R.?"

He said, (very matter-of-factly mind you,) "Cell Phone Resuscitation."

...I won't be surprised if my son becomes a stand-up comic.
LMAO!! Silly munchkinbutt.
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