WTF Chuck?

Apr 24, 2009 04:02

What is it with me and hiccups at 4am???
I finally get the right combo of drugs to kill the pain so I can sleep and now I have the fucking hiccups.
For the last 20 minutes.

I'm hoping that typing it out here will make them go away. So far it's not working.
Maybe a dot or dash - every time I hiccup will make them sl-ow down or something.
Damn-it all to HELL! -
I really hate hiccups. After a-while they just hurt. -
- course for- me they - jolt me just enough to pin-ch.

A-nd yes... every dash you see in this post i-s another fucking hiccup. -
*whine* -

edit: 45 minutes and counting... -
and yes, I've tried every single trick I can th-ink of...
plugging my ears and drinking...
drin-king thru a str-aw (works for my kiddo usually)...
hol-ding my breath...
pressure points - behind the ears and neck...
*sigh* -

edit edit: Hallelujah! An hour of hiccups and they're finally gone!
'Course now the oxycodone wore off and I'm wide awake.

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