I should post once a year or so, I guess

Sep 13, 2012 11:31

I dumped Tex a few months ago. And by dumped I mean we had a fight, I hung up on him and never spoke to him again. I hope I never do speak to him again. What an asshole, bordering on mildly verbally abusive. Don't ask me why that shit lasted as long as it did. I'd rather not contemplate it.

My good friend Andrew died a couple weeks ago from stomach cancer. He had had a rough go of it in his personal life and had been arrested. This is what Tex and I had been fighting about. I believe that the arrest pushed Andrew over the edge into his fall from the edge of ok health. I went to China last week and couldn't attend his funeral.

I've been working at Planned Parenthood as a nurse practitioner since October and at Group Health as a nurse midwife since January. I love my midwifery job and am very neutral about my nurse practitioner job. I have a new job at the Army hospital as an OBGYN nurse practitioner that should start in October if I can ever get the paperwork pushed through. I haven't told my other jobs yet as I'm waiting for an official start date to do so. I'm going to miss delivery babies.

I've been seeing a new guy, the Mennonite, since end of May/mid June. I like him, a lot. He asked me to be his girlfriend at the end of June and I agreed. I feel like he doesn't understand that being someone's boyfriend means more than just sexual fidelity but also making room in your life for that person.

I also acknowledge that I have a lot of my own stuff going on mentally so perhaps I'm more sensitive right now.

Jet lag from coming back from China has my sleep all discombobulated which doesn't help anything. My niece's birthday dinner is on Saturday. Nobody's heard from my younger brother since his birthday in June. I know he's ok because he still posts to facebook but it'd be nice if he'd text back every once in a while instead of blowing us off.

I have melancholy.
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