This chick is going to be mainlining coffee all day again. Actually I didn’t yesterday until I got home. It’s my own fault. I fell asleep sometime after midnight and woke up Just before three. I had some weird dream about demons. I was outside somewhere and with people I didn’t recognize but they had powers. I think I have been watching way too much of Charmed lately.
So when I woke up just before 3 I did a bathroom run and the cats ambled around from the spots. Tiger returned to her spot on the cushion above my head while sky ran around and then sat under the table. I got him to sit with me and now he is playing with something. I put the clothes through another drying cycle and hopefully will be dried enough for me to wear this morning to Jennifer’s class.
I was hoping it would be fairly quiet day at work where I can get a lot of scanning done and get rid of the readdress mail. I am not sure if there is an issue but from the way shadow spoke there might be. Happily I was able to get a lot done of scanning but not so much as the readdress mail. Tomorrow will work on it along with prepping a refund to be mailed.
Preparations for the presentation are moving along. October 1 we have the room to use. We will be able to use the room after that too.
The shuttle home was a little late this evening. I managed to get home just before 5. There are some new rules. One if we are running late and we are not at the hut and they have already departed they can’t stop and pick us up. The night time driver is going to ignore that edict and continue to pick people up so they are not late. There is a reason they are doing this so that the rest of us are not late.
I fed the cats I watched TV and had coffee (decaf) and relaxed. I was waiting for the lawn guy to come and help or strategize about what to do about decluttering. As of 8 pm he hasn’t called or texted. Now I told him 5:30 or 6:30 would have been fine. I don’t know if that led him to think I was bailing on him.
I made dinner while waiting. I have had some stuff I shouldn’t have had today. I was doing so well too.
Well I need to get to sleep. I am supposed to go to class in the morning and I have to straighten out the coffee table and dining room a little for the meeting tomorrow night. I won’t have that much time tomorrow.