So glad today is Friday. After the long week I had I am looking forward to the weekend again. The weather is going to be nicer eventually. ITs in the high 70’s and cloudy at the moment The sun should be out soon and stay out for the rest of the day. Dealing with the aggravations of early to mid week are in the past and now look forward.
I managed to make a new friend from the group who knows my Cousin Dan. To be honest I wasn’t sure if she was just friending me to spy on me for the idiot I wrote about earlier this week.
Talked with Jim via text and he ended up having to bale on the run/walk earlier this week. His lady J had hurt her back and so he had to play nursemaid and driver. He was disappointed but plans on doing another one next month.
SIL E is on an island in the Philippines enjoying post wedding festivities at a resort (someone else’s not hers). Okay...she must not that broke if she is at a resort. If you are sensing some hostilities here yep. I realize none of my business.
Haven’t heard from Liz since earlier in the week. Makes me wonder if she saw the exchange on the FB page (she is a member too) and is annoyed or embarrassed. I probably would have heard from her about it by now or the next time we talk.
I went out for a walk at lunch time. I came back a little late but went farther than I have before.
Finished the scanning and worked on fair size of refund batches. I realized I made some mistakes and quickly fixed them. I wil have to finish them on Monday.
I had no problem getting home. I chatted with Mama who was getting ready to go out for dinner. I told her of the week’s events.
Once I got home did the regular afternoon/evening activities. I ordered dinner, fed the cats and took a walk. You can see the results
My walk was really great. I saw homes that seemed to need work, and some who were waiting for Halloween. They had some signs for a haunted house. I wondered what my former classmates who lived here thought about living here and what did they do? Which sparked some questions to ask my pen pals.
I did actually sort of run into a classmate who was bicycling and trying to navigate a bill hill we both were on. We promised to get together another time.
Now need to get to sleep...Have an early morning.