Jul 20, 2015 21:22
I had my pulmonary follow up visit and got some rather scary news on Friday. I have a form of lung disease called Restrictive Lung Disease. Dr. R wants me on O2 (after repeating the six minute retest and it showed that my Oxygen saturation would drop from 97 percent (at rest) to 84 percent *exertion*). I see the Thoracic Surgeon on Thursday for a consult. Then some time afterwards I will have a biopsy. Dr. R says we will get through this. It was scary. I Talked with Liz Friday night for a bit. She brought up getting a second opinion and the disability retirement. Neither I am ready for.
Saturday was the Baby Shower for Ashley. The weather started off in showers and at times in downpours. I stopped by my sister’s house to pick up their gift as Liz was unable to attend because she had a full plate for herself and Nel who came home the night before. I got there okay (with one minor problem-I missed the exit they wanted me to go off). The food was great and the company fun. The gifts were boundless. I left just around 1 I think.
That afternoon the Medical Supply company came to deliver the Oxygen equipment I am to be using. They met me at the house by 2 or so and brought in the equipment and showed me how to use it. The cylinders they gave me last about 4 hours. Let’s just say I have used two already and still have to get evaluated for a smaller one (4lbs). I also have the one that Mom had last year. It has spooked the cats at first. They actually stayed upstairs for most of the afternoon. I also discovered we have ants.
On Sunday I got an early morning call from Liz. Nelson had a heart attack that morning and was up in ICU at the hospital. I had offered to come up there but she turned it down. The kids were there and she wasn’t alone but all there was left to do is wait. She didn’t want me to be alone so we both called my cousin Dee. Dee came over and kept me company for an hour and half and we talked about what I need to figure out what to do for myself (work wise, health wise, house wise) basically analyse what to do and things will fall into place. She also straightened up the kitty boxes and stuff. Never got to see the kitties though.
Liz kept me updated throughout the day. By the end of Sunday he was stable but still in critical condition. I called Jim a couple of times to let him know as well. I had received calls from Cousins as well, Sister in law too. Anyway, there are tests in the near future.
I really didn’t go anywhere else yesterday but did some laundry that is now piled up on the dining room table as I write this needing to be folded. Not really in the mood to do it either.
Yesterday and today I walked around with the O2 cylinders to get used to them but still expecting a desktop kind arriving soon (after being evaluated for it). People were asking and I told them. However by the time I went home the cylinder I was using was done by 12. I have already placed an order for four more.
My Brother is coming up for the Dr Appointment on Thursday. I expect him here in two days which means I need to make sure things are okay around here before then. Things basically straightened up the comforter not so furry from the kitties. ETC.
I have to look into Natural ways of getting rid of the ants. I noticed them on Saturday and I didn’t want to use the Raid with the kids around.
I called Dr. Debra tonight. I wanted to keep her updated on the various things going on right now but she just got home tonight and we will be meeting tomorrow.
Now that I am finished doing the laundry for tonight I think I will get to bed. I will work on writing more to my new pen pal Diane in the morning.