I have been just reading some of my F-list (Friend list gang) and I
read this (hopefully it worked) and I really enjoyed his views and I thank
Optimistic Existentialist for this and his other one regarding the ten places to visit.. I enjoy Blogging because it allows me to share my world and views with others from around the country and around the world. I write also for historical purposes. So people can see what life was like for my family and friends. ( Edited to Add: I sometimes repeat my thoughts within the same breath).
Now for the ten places I would like to see. I won’t be able to list just ten (well maybe I can) but here it is:
Europe (all): I would like to see places I haven’t been. I have been to England and parts of France but that was in my twenties and that was an exciting time for me. I would like to see more.
Ireland: It is where my ancestors are from. Several of my family members have been there and I just want to go.
Canada: I have been to several regions in that country and I would like to see more. I have seen maps and would like to explore more and the open spaces. Oh where have I been in Canada so far? Quebec (city and province), Nova Scotia, Toronto, Montreal. Niagara Falls.
Hawaii: I haven’t been and would like to visit.
I would also like to see the rest of the US. I would like to see the areas that are not necessarily the “tourist” areas. Until I do I read people’s blogs about their every day lives.
The sun is shining and there is a light blanket of snow on the ground and it doesn’t look like it will be melting any time soon. According to the
latest weather report it will probably remain in the 20’s today.
I am doing laundry and just hanging out. I am hoping to meet Ethel for tea and a visit. That will be around lunch time. I haven’t been to see her since her last dinner with us. She sent me a text message at work and with the pressure I was feeling I couldn’t really talk on the phone and so I sent her a message saying I could stop by on the way home. She had responded she would get the answer from someone else. I found this out when I called on the way home from work yesterday.
Jim called this morning. He is fine. He says he sent pictures of the cat. Mom says they are upside down. I suggested that she try turning them around and she did but not easily.
During the conversation I overheard Mom tell Jim that the Mammogram she had the other day came back with disturbing news. They found something but not sure. Mom went on line and said almost never will it be anything. She says she got the news yesterday and there is a follow up appointment on Monday.
Well I have another cup of coffee brewing and I have start getting ready for my “tea visit” with Ethel. I will see you all later.