So retro Beale, self-esteem(y), and productive.

Mar 21, 2011 13:45

Word of the Day

Prescience: \ PREE-shuns; PREE-shee-uns; PRESH-uns; PRESH-ee-uns; PREE-see-uns; PRES-ee-uns \ , noun;
1. Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight. -- prescient adjective

I'm so excited, because I'd just read this word in one of my Soc. textbooks this morning :) Yay! Relevance!

Your self-esteem is taking little hits today, but there’s not much you can do about it. Try to relax and remember that everything comes in cycles, and you are sure to be back on top in short order. ~

Photo of the Day

by Katden

Song of the Day

image Click to view

Hi there ;)

The weekend went relatively smoothly.  Except for one little hiccup that proved I do occasionally lack in the PAYING ATTENTION  department - I actually went to work twice on  Sunday thanks to being uber sleepy and only seeing the minute hands on my clock.  I rushed out of the house at 55 after and sped to my clients' house where I was greeted by a wide-eyed coworker.  She looked at me, then at the clock, then said, "Wow. You're early."  I was, in fact, an entire hour early.  Go ahead.  Laugh.

I slunk back home to make a very large double mocha, figured it was a good time to post my  Reading List, 2011 (cont.) to the old LJ, then drove at a leisurely pace  back to work at 6:52.  I was zombie-like by the time I made it home last night just past 11 pm.   Thankfully, I was very much awake and a good little worker bee during the sixteen hours in between 7-11.  Promise.

40 hours are now under my belt, so it's time to get down to the work I like best!  Hmm... wonder what that could be?  I have so many choices.

One of my favorites is definitely not cleaning the carpets, but I did that out of necessity this morning.

2nd 8 weeks officially began today.  I've posted my intros and begun reading for Human Arrangements.  Most of the reading required for Government I got out of the way last week.  In order to get started on my assignments today, I'll need to make a trip to Wal-Mart for ink (HP printer is an ink guzzler). Meanwhile, I've posted a link on my sidebar for the recently published poem "In Pursuit".  April 10th, one of my photos will be on that site as well.  And!  I wrote another poem for the blog, did a bit of web surfing, and spent an hour or so chasing the pups out of the living room so they wouldn't wallow all over the wet carpet.  Busy me :)

Despite the productivity, I do feel somewhat foggy today.  I think I forgot to do something important ...

Hows y'all?

of the day ...

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