Angsty much? Yuh.

Mar 22, 2011 10:04

Word of the Day

Fugacious: \ fyoo-GAY-shuhs \ , adjective; 1. Lasting but a short time; fleeting.

Everything requires extra attention today - so look more deeply than usual and make sure that you’re not just taking life in stride. In fact, you may want to press your friends to do the same! ~

Photo of the Day

by Katden

Song of the Day

image Click to view


Let's hope this bitchy angst is fugacious.

The world has pissed me off and doesn't even have the decency to give a shit.  Is there an emoticon that gives the finger?  [insert flip off here].

I won't go into what exactly started this downward spiral, probably wouldn't be able to articulate it properly anyway.  But adding to it is the understanding that it shouldn't be this big of a deal.  It really shouldn't.  You'd think I would be used to such things by now.  I hate it - ABSOLUTELY HATE IT - when I try to reason with my emotions and nothing good happens.  No ray of sunshine bursts through the clouds. It's a futile enterprise, reasoning with emotions.  Even though I've got plenty of good going on, I can only seem to focus on the baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, frustrating, asinine blahblah.

Nap?  Yes.

After I go write a really bitchy poem that will make absolutely no sense tomorrow.  Hopefully.

of the day ...

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