Reading list 2011 ...

Mar 20, 2011 06:53

1. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest ~ Stieg Larsson
2. The Great Gatsby ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
3. Eye to Eye ~ Grace Carol
4. As I Lay Dying ~ William Faulkner
5. Tuesday's with Morrie ~ Mitch Albom
6.  Shakespeare's Hamlet ~(eds) Mowat & Werstine
7.  Club Dead ~ Charlaine Harris YES I READ IT AGAIN SHUTUP
8.  a night without armor ~ poems by Jewel
9.  Rainwater ~ Sandra Brown (save your $5.99)
10.  Ten Poems to Change Your Life ~ (ed)Roger Housden (did not change my life)
11.  Of Bees and Mist ~ Erick Setiawan
12.  The Literary West ~ (ed) Thomas J. Lyon
13.  The Humanistic Tradition, Vol. 2 ~ (ed) Gloria Fiero
14.  The Kenyon Review, Vol. XXXI (70th Anniversary Issue)
15.  Catcher in the Rye ~ JD Salinger
16.  Dead to the World ~ Charlaine Harris (another reread, yurm)

Of Bees and Mist is strange and wonderful - the characters' emotions and manipulativeness manifest into nagging bees, eerie mists, ghosts, and all sorts of  magick.  One of the most unique stories I've ever read.  The Literary West and The Humanistic Tradition go on my Favorite Textbooks List, The Kenyon Review is definitely the best ten bucks I ever spent ... Catcher in the  Rye comments will appear at BF on the 22nd.


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