Another day

Mar 11, 2011 08:57

Word of the Day

Epicene: \ EP-uh-seen \ , adjective; 1. Having the characteristics of both sexes. 2.
Effeminate; unmasculine.3. Sexless; neuter. 4. (Linguistics) Having but one form of the noun for both the male and the female. noun: 1. A person or thing that is epicene. 2. (Linguistics) An epicene word.

Your own unique mindset is crucial to getting things done today -- so make sure that you're speaking up! If nobody can hear your ideas, then nobody can sign off on them, right? ~

Photo of the Day

by Andrew Evans

Song of the Day

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This has been an extraordinarily productive week, but, as usual, I still didn't manage to do all I needed to do.  In fact, I'm way behind on my to do list, but I've been trying to remember TO BREATHE.

My work week begins in a few hours, and I've got a final exam directly after work for Literature of the American West.  The mid-term taught me that I completely suck at timed essay questions, so my stomach is tying up in knots worrying about the final.  I need to do well on it to pull a B out of this class.

Hubby needed to go to OKC yesterday, so I tagged along.  And, yes of course, I made a beeline for the BIG GIANT BOOKSTORE.  Besides the Virginia Woolf and Joyce Carol Oates goodies I snagged there, I also got a leather journal to start keeping my poetry in.  Then, I came home to slam out an essay and hurry over to Annie's to cook dinner.

Four hours before work time and  I need to slam out another essay ... and you know... eat and shower, and that sort of thing.

Hows y'all?

of the day ...

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