(no subject)

Mar 08, 2011 19:11

Word of the Day

Puckish: \ PUHK-ish \ , adjective; 1. Whimsical; mischievous; impish.

It isn't easy to figure out why things went the way they did. There's no way to explain the events of the last year. Only now are you beginning to see the ways in which the universe has conspired to bring you back to yourself. So many people have disappeared. The ones who are left are here for a reason. Those of you who are in the place of being totally alone are very clear that you need connection and companionship more than anything. It's time to lose any resistance you have toward the idea of engaging with other people and trusting them enough to open up again. ~ Cal Garrison

Photo of the Day

by Meshal Al-Mazyad

Song of the Day

image Click to view

Boss just called and said I didn't have to work tonight. He played it off like he was concerned for my studies, and since this is the last few days of my 1st 8 weeks, he'd rather have me work extra hours next week. Translation: Coworker with children needed overtime $.

Not that I'm pissed off or anything. I just set my entire day's schedule around going to work at 11pm tonight. That's all.

Good news: (At least I'm thrilled with it!) Blog has received 500 hits!

Since my schedule has opened up, I'm going to readjust my plans for tonight and tomorrow. I've really got a lot to do before Friday. A lot!

Hows y'all?

of the day ...

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