Hello, Monday.

Mar 14, 2011 23:27

Word of the Day

Pusillanimous: \ pyoo-suh-LAN-uh-muhs \ , adjective; 1. Lacking in courage and resolution; contemptibly fearful; cowardly.

It’s tempting to give up - but your energy is just about due for a profound change for the better, so make sure you keep at it. Losing ground is worse for you than usual on a day like today! ~ astrology.com

Photo of the Day

by Arthur Sasse

Song of the Day

image Click to view

The temptation to give up hit at precisely 11pm last night - when I found out that my relief was going to be late getting to work.  The hour I'd hoped to have to type up the rest of my paper due for Lit of the American West dwindled to down to 45 minutes ... then 30, then 20 ... Coworker finally showed up.  I talked myself into not giving up, got home and gave it one hell of a try but was soon dozing on the keyboard and having a badass headache.  I gave up again  and went to brush my teeth.  Then cussed myself out and sent a whiney plea via email to the prof.  At 7:30 sharp, after a six and a half hour nap, I was armed with coffee and started again.  The paper was 12 hours late, but prof said he'd take it.  Soon after I hit the submit button, I gave up on the rest of Monday.  Four hours at a keyboard is equivalent to a full day digging ditches as far as I'm concerned.  Another four hour nap, and I felt a bit better.  Better enough to realize that even with procrastination, work fail and writer's block, my productivity this semester turned out better than last.  I didn't miss a single assignment in either class, and only two were ever more than a few minutes late. Yay me!

After the fuzz had left my head, I also realized that hubby had given me good news earlier in the day.  He'd received his first unemployment deposit.  Bills continue to get paid.  *applause*  That was a lot less of a wait than I expected - didn't think the first deposit would show up until around April 1.  So, cool!

When I checked emails around 6pm, I had a bit of a freak out moment.  Prof from Human Arrangements  had sent an email with extreme details for assignments.  This class is supposed to start the 21st!  Right?  *panic*  I double checked the class page, and sure enough, I've got seven days.  Whoa.  New prof is on it!  :)  It could be a bit of a booboo to take this class and Government together, but I didn't know that at the time I enrolled for the classes.  Reading load is even larger than the two classes I just finished.  First unit alone is over 300 pages plus online materials.  Yikes.  And lots of papers/discussion questions - though the papers are shorter, there are at least two every two weeks (unless there are more assignments up the profs' sleeves.

I've got an updated reading list to post soon.  Meanwhile, I've got to get a to do list organized for the week.

Hows y'all?

of the day ...

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