"I'll take 'phrases you don't want to hear from your doctor' for a thousand, Alex..."

Jun 29, 2011 10:36

went to the shrink this morning (the pill-pusher, not the talky lady) and, when she heard about the side effects I was having on the Celexa, she put me on something called Lamictal instead (it's an anticonvulsive and antidepressant also used off-label for PTSD, migraine, and pain disorders). As she's explaining the possible side-effects to me, she adds (rather casually, I thought) "If you develop a rash on any of your mucus membranes, stop taking it and go to the emergency room right away."

Now, I do not consider myself to be a paranoid woman (anxious, embittered, and unrealistic, sure, but not paranoid), but that is just a tad unsettling to hear on a sleepy Wednesday morning.

So, that's the news from Lake Wobegon for now (since I have to run to work) but I'll try to post an actual update this evening. Not much to tell except how I appear to have picked up a Techbane aura (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WalkingTechbane), but that's at least an amusing series of anecdotes. Or so I keep telling myself to avoid screaming and reprogramming the store's server tower with a claw-tooth hammer ;p

bye for now, everyone. hope you're all doing well. let me know if I've missed anything *hugs*

wtf?, ptsd, meds

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