is it april yet?

Mar 29, 2011 21:36

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I do not even know where to begin. Spoilery rapture under the cut

No, Kate, you can't put that on a resume *pets her*

That had better be Magnus driving that tank, 'cause YUM

Nazi Druitt. Just when I thought that man couldn't get any more disturbingly hawt.

Well, Tesla can now die happy. (assuming that's Magnus. it's a little fast for me to tell for sure)

Will fights (surprisingly well; maybe Kate's been giving him lessons), there's a vampire queen (i wonder what she'll think of Tesla), Will experiences a weird transformation (because you can't whump the woobie enough)

the fate of Hollow Earth is tied to our fate, duh. less plot and more Polly Walker, please. I need almost-canon femslash NOW!!!

Oh, John Druitt, how do you make being a blood-spattered psychopath so smexy?

"let her go!" *pets the Will* hope this is more of his fanatic loyalty to Magnus on display. he's adorable when he's trying to protect her

action shots, ftw

and dear, dear Henry. I now need an "I'm really uncomfortable with that" icon *nods wisely*

oh, the second half of this season shall be EPIC

i didn't see any Watson, though! *pouts and wants *

will zimmerman, spoilers, helen magnus, sanctuary, kate freelander, nikola tesla, rabid fangirl, henry foss, john druitt

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